飛行員使用我們擴大移動網絡在非洲缺醫少藥地區埃德溫Chabuka 2023年8月18日非洲移動網絡(飛行員)和我們合作來提高移動連接移動網絡運營商通過允許使用我們的衛星網絡主幹鏈路基站在偏遠地區。這就是第一個實用例Non-Terrestrial-Networks這是一件大事,這就是。傳統的移動網絡如何工作在傳統的移動網絡,你有一個基地收發站(BTS)但是你熟悉它被稱為基站。這就是你的設備的sim卡連接到移動互聯網,電話,或者短信。這個BTS連接到基地方麵控製器(BSC)負責管理多個BTS BTS因此本質上是一個二元同步通信的奴隸。二元同步通信然後報告移動交換中心(MSC)然後路線的交通網絡,因此獲得理學碩士學位將促進交通兩個不同網絡之間的交流,例如,交通在全國和NetOne之間。所有這些工作,所有的bts,二元同步通信,msc由陸地相連鏈路可高容量光纖電纜或微波無線電聯係。當我們說骨幹的鏈接,這些鏈接指的我們。成本方麵設置這些骨幹鏈接要花錢,所以產生一種經濟網絡,網絡運營商有偏好的盡可能多的發展或定居點沿著骨幹鏈路成本的抵消付費用戶位於大人口集群。NetOne移動網絡覆蓋地圖,你會發現非常小的人口集群之外的遠程位置和骨幹鏈接通常沒有移動網絡覆蓋。 A network operator will look at the cost of providing service there, the setup and maintenance of the site, and the time it will take to recoup that investment and if the math does not add up, they will not put service there. Where Starlink comes in What AMN is looking to do is to be able to remove the need for setting up these fiber or microwave radio backbone links and just route all voice and data traffic from a BTS to a BSC using the Starlink satellite network. This eliminates the cost of setting up terrestrial backbone links and all the operational expenses associated with running and maintaining these links leaving the only cost being the BTS itself. It will also vastly reduce the turnaround time to get a BTS set up because the greater portion of setup time is actually laying these backbone links for the BTS to be connected to the rest of the network. It will also vastly increase the flexibility of where a BTS can be placed. Who is AMN? Africa Mobile Networks (AMN) is a group of companies providing Network As A Service (NaaS) . They provide managed mobile network infrastructure for MNOs in remote parts of Africa which these MNOs might not be incentivized to cover for economic reasons. AMN will set up and manage the infrastructure and MNOs can run their network through them eliminating the costs and logistics associated with an MNO setting up the network themselves. Currently, AMN provides its service in 14 African countries and is working on adding 6 more to that list. Zimbabwe is not yet part of that list if anyone was wondering. They have also deployed over 3000 base stations across the continent. Their business model revolves around providing mobile network coverage in remote areas that lack mobile coverage. A suitable site for their service is a settlement with no existing mobile network coverage and a population of 1000 or more. They also offer a full suite of connectivity from 2G to LTE, voice, data, and SMS. In a number of African countries, AMN partnered up with Orange as the ISP that will be providing mobile services which has a presence in 13 African countries. And on the base stations themselves, AMN was making use of VSAT satellites to connect remote base stations to the rest of the network. Traditional VSAT has limited bandwidth and very high latency which could have been the bigger motivation for them to get access to the LEO satellite network that Starlink has. I think this could be an interesting case study on how Starlink’s satellite network and others like it can be used to expand mobile connectivity in Africa at a much faster rate.
非洲移動網絡的投資者包括BlueOrchard, OP金融集團,芬蘭工業合作基金,Proparco,英國國際投資和7。
AirWalk通信是一個CDMA無線接入網絡(RAN)開發人員3 g-voice和數據平台。公司已開發出一種集成語音和數據的IP基站收發信機(BTS)和無線基站控製器(BSC)係統運營商、企業和農村網絡。AirWalk的產品是模塊化的,可疊起堆放的,增加網絡覆蓋和容量提供行業的第一個(BTS / BSC)相結合,廉價IP-RAN平台。公司的全球CDMA無線產品運營許可的頻率和運營商提供新的收入來源而大幅提高基礎設施投資回報率降低整體網絡建設成本和上市時間。
Saankhya實驗室提供無線通信的解決方案來改善城市區域內數據傳輸的質量。它提供了5 g無線接入技術,5 g廣播,認知了解決方案,和衛星通信解決方案。公司成立於2006年,總部位於班加羅爾的印度。2022年8月,Saankhya實驗室被光輝網絡收購56美元的估值。