- 雷達
- 天線(廣播)
- 無線電子產品
申請日 |
授予日期 |
標題 |
相關的話題 |
狀態 |
7/23/2021 |
7/4/2023 |
排隊論、無線網絡、經濟係統、項目管理、經濟規劃 |
格蘭特 |
申請日 |
7/23/2021 |
授予日期 |
7/4/2023 |
標題 |
相關的話題 |
排隊論、無線網絡、經濟係統、項目管理、經濟規劃 |
狀態 |
格蘭特 |
|國防部長李Jong-sup說話在會見記者國營國防科學研究所的Anheung測試網站在大安,周二首爾西南109公裏處。(國防部)韓國成功地測試一個關鍵國產導彈攔截器在開發本周早些時候,第三次成功的四個測試到目前為止,因為它是啟動努力阻止發展朝鮮的威脅。周二,國家國防科學研究所揭示的記者團的整個過程遠程地對空導彈的攔截試驗在大安Anheung測試網站,首爾西南109公裏,第一次。L-SAM是一個三級結構,包括最終階段“攔截”。Designed to shoot down an incoming ballistic missile at altitudes of 50-60 kilometers, it is a key element of the country's low-tier multilayered anti-missile shield, called the Korea Air and Missile Defense. On a large screen at the testing site, the Kill Vehicle was seen accurately hitting a target missile after the successful separation of its first and second stages -- a spectacle also watched by government officials and research staff, including Defense Minister Lee Jong-sup. "The L-SAM capability that extends the missile defense to the upper layer of the terminal phase (of a missile flight) will not only improve the capabilities to respond to North Korean missile threats but also contribute greatly to strengthening the missile defense capability of the South Korea-US alliance," Lee said. Since November last year, the ADD has conducted four L-SAM interception tests. Of them, three tests, including the latest, succeeded. The defense ministry said that it plans to complete the L-SAM development by next year, embark on the mass-production phase in 2025 and start deploying the interception system in the late 2020s. South Korea's KAMD program consists of multiple interception systems, including the Patriot Advanced Capability-3 missile and the Cheongung-II medium-range surface-to-air missile, which are to be employed for interception at altitudes of 40 km or lower. In addition to this, the US Forces Korea operates a THAAD battery in the southeastern county of Seongju, reinforcing the allies' missile defense capabilities. The THAAD system is designed to shoot down hostile missiles at altitudes of 40-150 km. The KAMD is a pillar of the nation's three-pronged deterrence system, which includes the Kill Chain preemptive strike system and the Korea Massive Punishment and Retaliation, an operational plan to incapacitate the North Korean leadership in a major conflict. (Yonhap) |