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Airbyte是增長最快的開源數據集成平台的創建者,宣布了其免費連接器計劃,該計劃提供免費使用Airbyte雲上使用alpha或beta連接器的任何數據管道,使組織可以輕鬆訪問其所有數據。Airbyte使數據在幾乎任何來源和目的地之間的移動變得簡單和經濟,幫助企業為用戶提供正確的數據以進行分析和決策。Airbyte擁有最大的數據工程貢獻者社區(超過600名貢獻者),以及使用連接器開發工具包構建和維護連接器的最佳工具。該公司聯合創始人兼首席運營官約翰·拉弗勒(John Lafleur)說:“免費連接器計劃完成了我們為實現數據集成商品化而設置的飛輪。”“我們缺少的是所有長尾連接器(那些使用較少的連接器)的大量使用,以幫助識別我們還不完全支持的邊緣情況。Lafleur繼續說道:“通過免費提供alpha和beta連接器,我們鼓勵業界使用我們的連接器,同時幫助我們提高其可靠性。”“可靠性是最終目標——我們隻會對使用Airbyte Cloud的數據管道收取費用,這些數據管道具有普遍可用的連接器。”Airbyte將一般可用連接器可靠性定義為與超過40個用戶的同步成功率至少為99%,以及其他標準。Beta連接器平均仍有93%的同步成功率,alpha連接器有90%的同步成功率。自Airbyte三年前成立以來,目前已有超過300個連接器可供使用,這意味著Airbyte平台擁有業內最多的連接器,使其成為最完整的數據移動和集成平台。 With its open-source model and paid Contributor Program, Airbyte is addressing the industry need for the long tail of connectors that otherwise never get addressed. Most of their open-source connectors will be available for use with Airbyte Cloud by the end of the quarter, thus making more than 200 connectors part of the free connector program. Over the past year-and-a-half, more than 35,000 companies have used Airbyte to sync data from sources such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, Facebook Ads, Salesforce, Stripe, and connect to destinations that include Redshift, Snowflake, Databricks, and BigQuery. Airbyte’s open-source data integration solves two problems. First, companies always have to build and maintain data connectors on their own because most less popular “long tail” data connectors are not supported by closed-source ELT (extract, load, transform) technologies. Second, data teams often have to do custom work around pre-built connectors to make them work within their unique data infrastructure. Here is the complete list of connectors currently available for Airbyte. For any that are not yet available, it’s possible to build a connector with the Airbyte CDK (Connector Developer Kit), which generates 75% of the code required. Included are templates for building new connectors in Java or Python. Sign up for an Airbyte Cloud account and set up connectors. If any source or destination connector is alpha or beta, the entire data pipeline is free of charge. Last month, Airbyte launched in Europe with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)-compliant data processing that was accomplished by separating Airbyte’s control plane and data plane. With this split, any enterprise that cannot have data processed through a third-party application – whether it’s PII, financial, or health data – will be able to run Airbyte’s data plane in a virtual private cloud. This split enables maximum security and compliance, without the overhead of self-hosting the entire Airbyte platform. It is a significant step towards enabling companies to move data from any source to any destination.
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