合並 |合並缺失:安理國際律師事務所的產品演示和案例研究
律師eco-campaigners敦促城市巨大的成員從2023年6月1日停止化石燃料工作負責在安理國際律師事務所的律師辦公室周二氣候變化運動組織律師有責任敦促巨頭安理國際律師事務所律師事務所停止作用於化石燃料的基礎設施項目,拒絕任何未來的指令。組的成員已經開始站在外麵公司的倫敦辦事處定期分發傳單,尋求工作與員工討論問題到達“非對抗性的方式”。律師是負責一個新組,慣於通過其良心宣言,簽署國承諾不起訴氣候抗議者或為化石燃料公司工作。這封信安理國際律師事務所高級合夥人Wim Dejonghe和管理合夥人Gareth價格最近的一份報告指出,英國法律公司的角色在支持化石燃料行業確認他們公司是“迄今為止最嚴重的罪犯,執行價值£890億的事務性工作”。它還指出,4月的律師協會指導,這證實了律師擁有廣泛的自由裁量權在選擇是否接受指令,與氣候變化一個有效的考慮。信中說:“我們建議的科學共識是明確的:需要的關鍵的第一步,為了避免質量損失的生命和其他災難性危害人類健康和避免對我們的社會的威脅,是停止任何新的化石燃料項目,因此生產能力擴大基礎設施。“作為律師,我們所有的價值法治在確保我們有一個公平、穩定和繁榮的社會。在一個被世界氣候混亂,法治是一個嚴重的風險。”信中承認,請求需要安理國際律師事務所”采取行動,可能是困難的,並將衝突短期利潤最大化的願望”。但它可能對該公司認為這個問題有影響的地區,如名譽、監管和金融風險,以及留住和吸引員工的能力和其他客戶。 Showing “moral leadership” on climate change would enhance the firm’s reputation and standing, it went on. “We would invite you to consider our request to withhold your services in the broad context of similar requests made historically for law firms not to act for the apartheid regime in South Africa or not to act for cigarette manufacturers.” The group also suggested it was “reasonably likely” that the Solicitors Regulation Authority “will in the near future review transactional work supporting new fossil fuel projects in relation to whether it is a breach of your professional obligations”. It identified four of the SRA principles as potentially engaged: upholding the rule of law, upholding public trust and confidence, acting with integrity, and acting in a way that encourages equality, diversity and inclusion. The letter argued that there were “significant systemic financial risks presented by the fossil fuel sector”, with the “inevitable” transition to a low-carbon economy likely to hit companies in the sector hard and fast. “Allen & Overy is exposed to these financial risks in several ways. First, in its ability to recover monies on work billed to clients in the fossil fuel sector. “Secondly, in its financial planning based on work-in-progress currently recorded and expected to be billed in due course, as well as in estimates and projections regarding the profitability of the law firm moving forwards, which (presumably) is based on continuing to accept instructions on new fossil fuel projects.” Lawyers Are Responsible noted that the Employment Appeal Tribunal has said a commitment to tackling the climate and ecological crises could amount to a philosophical belief under equality law. “Allen & Overy’s associates may lawfully take the position of refusing to accept work on new fossil fuel projects and cannot be subjected to discrimination, harassment or victimisation.” The potential to lose clients opposed to fossil fuel projects “will no doubt be of concern to the equity partnership at large”, the letter added, “particularly when considering the firm’s business model as a whole and the relatively small part in it that this unsustainable work would represent moving forwards”. Allen & Overy had no comment on the letter, including whether it would – as requested – reply, or the action being taken outside its offices. In a tweet after doing so on Tuesday, Lawyers Are Responsible said: “We spoke about issues to employees & got a good reception.”
安理國際律師事務所總部位於68 Donegall碼頭,貝爾法斯特。
安理國際律師事務所的投資者包括艾倫Overy Shearman英鎊。