種子 |活著缺失:亞洲清潔資本越南的產品演示和案例研究
亞洲清潔資本越南收到支持從瑞士基金經理馮氏Van  April 27日2023 |點06:00時PT蘇西的合作夥伴將使亞洲清潔資本投資越南幫助跨國公司和國內企業減碳能源供應。亞洲清潔資本越南,亞洲領先的國際清潔能源解決方案開發人員發起的亞洲清潔資本的創始人已經收到了蘇西的投資夥伴的亞洲能源過渡基金。該投資將支持在越南ACCV清潔能源項目的發展。作為一個領導者在亞洲發展的清潔能源解決方案,ACC幫助國際和國內企業減碳能源供應和滿足內部和跨國環境、社會和治理(ESG)目標。ACCV混合裝配和屋頂太陽能項目在SC VivoCity購物中心,區7,阮。圖片由ACC ACC開發了超過165兆瓦的商業和工業屋頂太陽能和超過30兆瓦的地麵能源項目合作與許多世界領先的跨國公司。超過90%的清潔電力生產是由ACC的客戶使用。其本地及國際管理團隊帶來多年的屋頂太陽能和地麵能源項目設計、開發和運營經驗,越南。ACCV和蘇西夥伴分享相信嵌入跨業務運營和投資活動的環境、社會和治理標準為所有利益相關者創造可持續的價值。環境、社會和治理實踐一直是ACC的焦點。 The MNC clients that ACC serves have very demanding ESG targets and the clean energy solutions that ACC provides directly reduces its clients’ carbon footprints while the blockchain sustainability data management software that ACC deploys provides auditable, verifiable data for sustainability management, reporting and green finance. ACC’s ESG performance and compliance is market leading, having been developed in partnership with the global financial institutions that have supported ACC through its growth. "ACC parties with large FDI corporations to decarbonize their energy supply and contribute to Vietnam’s commitment to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050," said CEO Michael Viet Luong. "We are dedicated to bringing innovative renewable energy solutions to the market, and believe in the power of on-site climate technologies to lead the transition to a cleaner future. "With SUSI Partners, we have found a partner whose longstanding track record and exclusive focus on energy transition investments aligns perfectly with our ambition to support global climate targets." SUSI Partners is a Swiss-based investment manager specializing in energy transition infrastructure investments with $2.07 billion in capital commitments from institutional investors. The firm invests globally through dedicated equity and credit strategies. "Our mandate aims to enable emerging economies in Southeast Asia to grow in a sustainable manner. Together with ACCV, we look forward to accelerating the urgently needed buildout of clean energy supplies in Vietnam, which is rapidly becoming one of the most important manufacturing centers in the world," said Wymen Chan, head of Asia at SUSI Partners. Founded in 2009, SUSI Partners is a Swiss fund manager specialized in sustainable energy infrastructure investments with EUR 1.9 billion in capital commitments from institutional investors. The firm’s investment strategy focuses on private equity and credit opportunities across the energy transition spectrum, including clean energy generation, energy efficiency measures, and solutions enabling clean energy use. ACCV is the Vietnam-based affiliate of the Asia Clean Capital Group, a leading distributed solar developer focused on the commercial and industrial market in Asia. Core clients include Nestle, Coca-Cola, Danone, Volkswagen, Schindler, Unilever, Andritz, Fujitsu, Mapletree, Universal Alloy Corporation and many more. Focused on carbon reduction, data management and energy efficiency solutions, ACCV invests 100% of the project costs and provides the design, engineering, equipment, government approvals, installation, and long-term operation and maintenance of solar, energy storage and data management systems. ACCV generates and sells clean electricity to clients at below-grid prices under long-term agreements. ACCV's project sites are typically extensive production facilities with electricity demand for up to 20 megawatts. The company has offices in Hong Kong, Beijing and Ho Chi Minh City. Tags:
亞洲清潔資本越南的總部位於518 b奠邊府街21號病房,胡誌明市。