04/19/2023 | 04:00am美國信息:發布:2023年4月19日亞洲漿紙業有限公司(APP),金光,與Tietoevry合作進一步推動數字商業現代化印尼紙漿,紙和組織。更新是基於Tietoevry技巧的行業解決方案和服務與SAP集成。提示係統數字化和自動化應用金光的關鍵業務流程和提高內部的靈活性。解決方案提供了實時數據和完全透明所有軋機操作,提高效率,盈利能力和可持續性。數字化也增強客戶體驗,使新業務模型和數字業務。關鍵業務的協議包括定義和建立MES(製造執行係統)。“APP金光將引入協調業務過程和最新的端到端集成係統創建一個堅實的基礎來有效地運行其全球業務,加強客戶體驗。新業務解決方案將大大受益客戶做生意的方式,利用數據和提供的機會進一步數字化,“Alfian Lim自動化應用金光負責人說。“創建一個強大的業務平台的關鍵推動者我們的可持續發展戰略的實現。Tietoevry對我們是最好的合作夥伴在MES領域,因為他們有必要的行業知識和SAP經驗為我們創建一個端到端的製造解決方案。我們一起興奮地開始這段旅程。” "APP Sinar Mas is enabling new business models and digitalization, from customer interaction to all the way to the mill via more agile planning, fiber and other raw material traceability, and efficiency in operations, while providing flexibility for the company's arrangements. We're proud to be part of this renewal, and to support APP Sinar Mas in their global business transformation and enable their growth. Our business platform guarantees transparency to the entire value chain and supports innovativeness in building of new business opportunities," says Carsten Henke, Head of Pulp, Paper & Fibre at Tietoevry Industry. TIPS Industry Solutions and Services is optimised for the pulp, paper, fibre, board, tissue, non-woven and packaging industries, utilising industry-proven best practices. It is the leading MES and has already been installed in more than 300 paper mills worldwide. For more information, please contact Carsten Henke carsten.henke@tietoevry.com Elly Mahesa Jenar Elly_m_jenar@app.co.id mobile +62 811 8751 699 Tietoevry creates purposeful technology that reinvents the world for good. We are a leading technology company with a strong Nordic heritage and global capabilities. Based on our core values of openness, trust and diversity, we work with our customers to develop digital futures where businesses, societies, and humanity thrive. Our 24,000 experts globally specialize in cloud, data, and software, serving thousands of enterprise and public-sector customers in more than 90 countries. Tietoevry's annual turnover is approximately EUR 3 billion and the company's shares are listed on the NASDAQ exchange in Helsinki and Stockholm, as well as on Oslo Bars. www.tietoevry.com About APP Sinar Mas Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) Sinar Mas is a trade name of pulp and paper manufacturing companies that delivers quality products to meet the growing global demand for tissue, packaging and paper. With an annual combined pulp, paper, packaging product and converting capacity of over 20 million tons, APP products are marketed in more than 150 countries across six continents. As a sustainable and responsible business, we create products and operate with care for our employees, society and the environment. We do this by leveraging technology and innovation, partnering the community and adhering to international business and operating standards across our production and supply chain. We subscribe to the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles and our Sustainability Roadmap Vision 2030 guides us in fulfilling our commitment to protect forests, support communities, conserve biodiversity and work towards achieving carbon neutrality across our operations. www.asiapulppaper.com Contact
亞洲漿紙業有限公司的競爭對手包括Smurfit Kappa組和1。
國際紙業(NYSE: IP)是全球領先的生產商可再生光纖包裝、紙漿,紙和產品製造業務在北美、拉丁美洲、歐洲、北非和俄羅斯。2020年8月10日,圖形包裝獲得國際紙業的多數股權。
Suzano (B3: SUZB3) (NYSE: SUZ)製造、獨占鼇頭,出口桉樹紙漿和紙製品。產品包括桉樹紙漿、裸書印刷和寫論文,塗布不含木漿的印刷和寫論文,廁紙和紙板。公司成立於1924年,位於聖保羅,巴西。
Smurfit Kappa集團(經度:熱議)的設計,製造,供應紙質包裝產品。公司擁有工廠,生產盒紙板,然後運到公司的植物,轉化成瓦楞包裝製品。產品包括實木板、紙袋紙和折疊紙盒。公司成立於2005年,總部設在都柏林,愛爾蘭。