5天改變今天上午03:27提出股權提高La Hulpe, 2023年8月4日星期五,上午8.00(比利時時間)2023年5月17日的新聞稿和2023年6月14日,Atenor公布了幾項措施來解決房地產市場所麵臨的困難,尤其是2023年3月以來。當前經濟環境的演變,它的變幻和由此產生的融資成本增加,導致Atenor重溫股票和債券之間的平衡。根據這個,作為宣布措施的一部分,董事會提出特別大會進行一個股本提高,追求三重目的:加強資產負債表結構通過一個改進的股權比率和債務比率的降低,以及現有貸款的還款,預計使它麵臨當前和未來的挑戰;允許其現有項目的進一步推廣管道;並使它應對一個機會擴大其國際管道項目。為了讓所有的股東Atenor參與股權提高董事會提出執行它通過增資現有股東的優先認購權(法定權利問題)。早些時候宣布,Atenor已收到公司有條件承諾的6200萬歐元的參考股東(3 d NV, Luxempart S.A.和斯蒂芬索納維爾SA)參加法定權利的問題。為了進一步支持股權籌集,Atenor將從新的穩定投資者尋求更多的承諾。提出股權提高,現有股東將受益於法定優先認購新股認購權依照文章7:188和7:189 CCA。法定優先認購權將可操作的和可交易公共訂閱期間至少15天。 Preferential subscription rights that are not exercised during the subscription period will not be converted into "scrips", will not be sold or placed and will become null and void and will therefore no longer have any value. The board of directors indeed proposes to the general meeting to approve that the new shares that have not been subscribed for through the exercise of preferential rights will be offered (without additional consideration) to the reference shareholders that have provided firm undertakings (of which 3D NV will have priority over other shareholders) and to other potential new investors that will provided firm undertakings. In the context of the proposed statutory rights issue, 3D NV may increase its (direct or indirect) shareholding above 30% without triggering the obligation to launch a mandatory public takeover bid. ATENOR SA Enterprise Number VAT BE 0403 209 303 - In the case of a high take-up from existing shareholders, it is possible that the statutory rights issue will not allow to satisfy the commitments of the new investors in full. In such case, these commitments would be honoured by way of a (technically separate) top-up capital increase for the balance of the commitments, at the same issue price, approved by the board of directors in the context of the authorized capital. The Company will prepare a prospectus for the public offering in Belgium of the new shares and the admission to trading of the new shares and the statutory preferential rights on the regulated market of Euronext Brussels, which must be approved by the Belgian Financial Services and Markets Authority in accordance with the applicable legislation. Further information regarding the proposed equity raising and the detailed agenda of, and reports submitted to, the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders are available on the Company's website ( Atenor is a sustainable real estate development company recognised as a Global Listed Sector Leaders by the GRESB, with pan-European expertise and listed on the Euronext Brussels market. Its mission is to respond to the new demands of the evolution of urban and professional life through sustainable urban planning and architecture. In this context, Atenor invests in large-scale real estate projects that meet strict criteria in terms of location, economic efficiency and respect of the environmental. Atenor is recognised as an international and sustainable urban developer, aligned with the European taxonomy and aiming for the highest classifications of BREEAM and WELL certifications. Reuters: ATE0.BR
Immoviewer是一家技術公司。房地產中介公司開發解決方案,為終端客戶提供房地產經驗。公司提供虛擬旅遊、在線訪問,無人駕駛飛機服務,獲取服務和3 d可視化。它是位於波茨坦的德國。