今天早上分享今天的小雨。今天下午的陽光。高79 f。風W在10到15英裏每小時。下雨的幾率90%。今晚更新:2023年5月12日@ 6:18我的麗貝卡·布勒斯洛博士不要錯過大故事。像我們這樣在Facebook上。北郡承載麵積的第一中學田徑運動周二,5月9日在達納·l·湯普森紀念公園。除了我們自己的北郡跟蹤&現場小組團隊從公平的避風港,雙穀,安東尼和伍德斯托克山了。事件發生在一個美麗的春天的下午在節日的氣氛中,每個人都洋溢著熱情。 Kids of all shapes and sizes were in attendance to contest their skill at sprinting, middle distance running, hurdles, jumps and throws. There was something for everyone. I cheered wildly as my son won his heat in the hurdles and my daughter gritted it out to finish mid-pack in the 200-meter run. For some kids, events like this one unveil a previously undiscovered talent for running, jumping or throwing. These kids, and their caregivers, then feel the spark of potential that might be the start of a distinguished career in sports. Was there a budding Olympian in our midst on Tuesday afternoon? It is not outside the realm of possibility. Perhaps a meet like this is how it began for one such as Elle Purrier St. Pierre, a native Vermonter and world-class middle-distance runner whose trajectory led her all the way to the Olympics. A middle-school kid (and family) who does have high level aspirations had better decide on their future soon, if proponents of the Deliberate Practice Framework are to be believed. Coined in the early'90s by K. Anders Ericsson and colleagues in their landmark article in Psychological Review (1993), this framework proposes that standout individuals are never the result of talent alone. Instead, expertise is gained through deliberate practice or engaging in what Ericsson calls “effortful activities designed to optimize improvement.” With very few exceptions, a minimum of 10 years is required to achieve expertise, even for the most prodigiously gifted. Furthermore, if you are late to the game in starting deliberate practice, you may never catch up to those in your peer group who started earlier. It is no coincidence that most elite athletes have already begun their own version of deliberate practice by age 14. In sports, this phenomenon is known as early sport specialization. Young athletes, sometimes in middle school or even younger, focus on a single sport all year long, to the exclusion of all others, and engage in high-volume training and competition. A hot topic in sports medicine in recent years, early specialization has increasingly been implicated in overuse injuries and burnout. Think driven Little League pitchers or fiery little Level 10 gymnasts. Most international sports medicine organizations advise against it, arguing that the risks to athletic longevity outweigh the gains from early deliberate practice. There are those who believe it may not even truly be required to achieve elite skill and status. In 2019, the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine convened a research summit to generate recommendations for proper development of youth athletes, which were published in the journal Sports Health. These recommendations emphasize the importance of inspiring passion for sports and physical activity, and broadly defining sport success. They recommend using sports as an avenue to promote health, safety, well-being, and respect for rules. They remind us that youth athletes may be at varied stages of physical maturity, and that conditioning and injury prevention programs should be integrated into sports programming early on to protect athletes and help optimize their physical development. Furthermore, they suggest placing limits on training and competition volume. Parents, coaches, and facilities can all positively influence a kid’s athletic development. The AMSSM recommendations call on important adults in each athlete’s life to monitor their well-being, encourage multisport participation, and set realistic goals. The sky may still be the limit, but this should be balanced with the overall health and wellness of a youth athlete. If Tuesday’s meet is representative, our track and field programs are doing a great job of fostering healthy young athletes into a promising future. Dr. Rebecca Breslow is a sports medicine doctor, freelance health care writer, and Burr and Burton Academy assistant cross country coach. Got questions or story ideas? Reach out to her at rbreslow@bryantviewhc.com or visit bryantviewhc.com .
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