收購了 |收購缺失:加利福尼亞精子銀行的產品演示和案例研究
多樣化的精子不足導致一些黑人女性的困境:生孩子誰不分享你的背景或保持不育Shanelle Kaul Analisa諾瓦克4月12日,2023 / 33 AM / CBS新聞流行幫助揭露的問題有些女人的顏色使用精子銀行:找到捐助者分享他們的背景。CBS新聞看著加利福尼亞精子銀行,費爾法克斯精子銀行,西雅圖精子銀行Xytex,認為美國四大cryo-banks,發現53%的可用的精子從白色捐贈者,而隻有不到4%來自黑人捐助者。精子銀行是一個工具,商店冷凍精子、卵子、胚胎和組織協助人們繁殖。這讓許多女人喜歡賈米拉Galloway的選擇有一個孩子,並不反映自己的種族和文化或不生一個孩子。加洛韋是40和單。當她決定使用一個精子捐獻者的孩子,她希望孩子看起來像她。然而,她的選擇是有限的,當她尋找捐贈者的過濾自己的比賽。她選擇從數以百計的畢竟是少數。她形容的體驗感覺像是“狩獵。”"It almost felt like I was having a bit of my decision taken away from me," she said. Dr. Tia Jackson-Bey, a fertility doctor in New York City, said every patient of color at her practice has experienced the struggle of finding a sperm donor who shares their background. "Historically donors have been recruited from places where maybe black men are not present, you know, institutions of higher learning, certain areas, geographic areas in the country," Jackson-Bey said. Most cryobanks require three generations of medical family history, which not all Black Americans have access to. As a result, many Black women across the country, like Angela Stepancic, eventually give up on finding Black donors altogether. Stepancic, who describes herself as half-Black and half-Croatian, welcomed a multi-racial baby girl last year with her wife via sperm donor. Initially, having a Black baby was non-negotiable for Angela Stepancic when she began the process. However, she later realized that it was a concession she had to make in order to have a baby. "It's America, we're supposed to have all the choices that we want, but we really don't have any choices in this process, and this is the one process that really impacts our legacy the rest of our lives, you know our future. As, as a family and as a people," she said. But her experience has inspired her to make a change to prevent anyone from having to go through the same struggle. This fall, she plans to open the first Black-owned cryobank in the country that will give Black women "warmth, safety and options." "I want to give them access to the same amount of options that every other couple has going through this process," Stepancic said. Reproductive Village, Stepancic's Cryobank, is set to open in Washington, D.C., and will prioritize recruiting Black donors. The cryobank will also have drop-off locations in cities that include Houston and Atlanta. The number of Hispanic donors is also low, with only 8% of sperm donors to the four largest cryobanks being of Hispanic descent. Two of the largest cryobanks acknowledge the issue and they claim to be working toward recruiting more diverse donors In a statement to CBS News, the Seattle Sperm Bank said that they are committed to finding ways to address the lack of diversity in their donor program by actively recruiting more men of color and having ongoing conversations about the importance of sperm donation which they hope will break the "taboo surrounding this type of donation and get the word out about the increasing need for more donors." California Cryobank told CBS News they are conducting research to address the shortage and have ongoing targeted digital marketing campaigns to promote the benefits of being a donor. Trending News