Cercle X
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Cercle X是包含在3專家集合,包括智能城市。
最新的Cercle X新聞
新時代廢物管理平台Cercle X提出INR 1.9 CR在種子輪由拐點的合資企業。籌集的資金將會利用對市場營銷、業務和技術。每天產生的固體廢物在印度是2.76十萬的k。58噸固體垃圾是可回收利用的(紙、塑料、金屬)傾倒每天沒有處理。即使有成千上萬的kabadiwalas,回收,聚合器在印度,廢物管理部門在很大程度上是無組織的。運動的浪費是難以捉摸的,收集商業化和再加工材料。Cercle X是關注創建一個B2B市場連接關鍵球員(mrf,品牌,消費者聚合器,回收物流合作夥伴,製造商)在浪費價值鏈,從而提高訪問質量浪費,增強的可追溯性,和透明度的願景是創建一個統一的生態係統管理和廢物轉換為有價值的產品,從而使循環經濟。資金到位,Cercle X計劃擴展到關鍵印度南部城市+前一級城市作為其增長計劃的一部分。創始人Ankur米塔爾,拐點企業說,“把廢物通過可持續的解決方案是小時的需要在印度和世界各地。Cercle X以其深刻的經驗,知識和激情在垃圾填埋場的廢物管理承諾零浪費空間優化當前/資源浪費。這個平台的目的是保護地球,同時使成千上萬的垃圾勇士與該公司聯係在一起。 Not only is this a high impact socially relevant investment but is a big untapped market opportunity for a sector agnostic platform like IPV. The company is already working with some of the leading corporates and has a strong pipeline for the coming quarters.” Cercle X aims to provide differentiated offerings in the B2B waste management space via its waste management services platform Think Trash that would connect various players in the existing value chain for easy pickup-delivery of waste, Supply of recycled raw materials and Supply of recycled/ waste transformed products. Cercle X has tie-ups with 700+ vendors and channelizes 500+ MT of recyclables each month. Cercle X also executes EPR mandates for 20+ large corporates/brands and works directly with 50+ governmental agencies and ULBs. Since its inception in 2020, they have delivered successful EPR mandates, supply contracts to aggregators, recyclers, and major industrial manufacturers. Vishnu Vardhaan, Co-Founder & CEO, Cercle X, says, “Waste is a global pandemic with absolutely no solution in sight. With Cercle X, we work with the world’s most sustainable brands to handle their waste streams, to create circular solutions that’ll save the planet’s resources for the future generations. Our vision is to enable brands to achieve zero waste through circularity. IPV offers much more than just funds – they believe and support our vision and went above and beyond to help us strengthen our presence in the market. Their wide network across sectors will help us scale rapidly." Some of the achievements of Cercle X include being declared as the Impactful Cleantech Startup of the Year, 2021 by FICCI, Emerging Startup of the year, 2021, by Government of India (MeiTy), NASSCOM & United Nations and being a partner of the United Nations Global Partnership for Marine Litter (GPML). Share this article:
Cercle X常見問題(FAQ)
Cercle X是何時成立的?
Cercle X成立於2020年。
Cercle X的總部在哪裏?
Cercle X的總部位於2/220H Venkateswara花園,泰米爾納德邦。
Cercle X的最新一輪融資是什麼?
Cercle X的最新一輪融資是種子VC。
Cercle X籌集了多少錢?
Cercle X籌集了總計250美元。
Cercle X的投資者是誰?
Cercle X的投資者包括拐點企業。