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Stephanie Streett和Creshelle Nash博士於2023年2月9日在克林頓學校的高調誌願者故事。(阿肯色州民主黨報/Cary Jenkins)“城市年”小石城正在為一名麵包師的12名年輕女性(年齡在18-24歲之間)提供一個名為“女性領導委員會”的新項目,為她們配備有經驗的女性導師。據一份新聞稿稱,該項目於3月8日(國際婦女節)在小石城市中心的女性城市俱樂部舉行,“旨在促進該教育非營利組織美國服務隊女性成員的職業發展”。該計劃的聯合主席,阿肯色州藍十字和藍盾衛生公平和公共項目的醫療主任克雷謝爾·納什博士,以及克林頓基金會的執行董事斯蒂芬妮·斯特裏特都是導師。“我期待著從這些年輕女性身上學到一些東西,”斯特裏特說。首屆班級包括13名美國服務隊成員;導師們來自商業、法律、醫療、教育和其他領域,“處於各自職業生涯的不同階段,”納什說。斯特裏特和納什說,他們的職責是為導師和城市年的參與者配對,“然後創造一種打破僵局、建立關係的氛圍。”“學員”將在四個月的時間裏每月至少與導師進行一次非正式的互動,每對學員都按照自己的方式進行配對。第一年,納什解釋說:“我們想保持有機。” "We don't want to overstructure it," Streett adds. The idea, she says, is for the young women to spend "one-on-one time with people in positions in which they can see themselves," build relationships, following which the young woman can "utilize those skills in other aspects of their careers." Streett, who co-chaired the City Year Little Rock board for 11 years, is now "just a member" of the board, "and happy to be one." She served for eight years in the administration of former President Bill Clinton, who, she explains, first encountered City Year in Boston while running for the White House in 1992 and wished to create an Arkansas branch. When she left the administration in 2001, she helped put Clinton's wish into effect with the help of Little Rock City Manager Bruce Moore. Streett notes the approach of the 30th anniversary of Clinton signing, in 1993, the National and Community Service Act, which among other things led to the creation of AmeriCorps. Nash, meanwhile, has been "a great friend of City Year" for many years, Streett says. The daughter of Clinton friend and associate Bob Nash, she was "top of mind" when it came to recruiting a "strong, dynamic woman would give of herself," as Streett describes her. Nash, who got her medical degree at the the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore in 1994 and earned a master's degree in public health from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in 1998. Back in Arkansas, she has worked for the Clinton School of Public Service, the Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and at UAMS' College of Medicine. She's leading Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield's efforts to address health disparities in Arkansas and support the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association on its recently launched National Health Equity Strategy. "My passion is health equity," she says. "The core of that is education." City Year's long-term relationship with the Little Rock School District is critical to its success, Streett adds: AmeriCorps members deliver one-on-one academic interventions and whole-school support as student success coaches to students at Mabelvale Middle School, Stephens Elementary, Cloverdale Middle School and J.A. Fair K-8 Preparatory School. The Women's Leadership Council will now become part of their yearlong leadership development program. Streett, a graduate of the University of Arkansas, now oversees the strategy and management of the Clinton Presidential Center and the Clinton Foundation's Presidential Leadership Scholars program. She and husband Don Erbach are the parents of three teenage daughters. The idea for the program, she explains, arose out of discussions with City Year executive director Jennifer Cobb, "because we recognized the importance mentorship has been in our own careers." Nash, who says she is still in regular touch with a mentor she has had for more than 40 years, says the goal is "planting the seed that grows into giving back." The launch of City Year Little Rock's Women Leadership Council takes place 9:30-10:30 a.m. March 8 -- International Women's Day -- at the Junior League of Little Rock, 401 Scott St. Visit cityyear.org/little-rock . Print Headline: 2 City Year volunteers head leadership council ADVERTISEMENT


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