COMCO Mundo點燃史詩7年慶祝活動和員工在希臘所引誘,電影事件與媒體,亞太地區機構獎贏,和辦公室在馬尼拉的擴張和迪拜的展位在消費者和商業領域展示令人印象深刻的陣容希臘COMCO Mundo所引誘的承諾和新加坡保持正確培養人才通過多元文化經驗,COMCO世界報的員工所引誘,2018年後日本和澳大利亞2019年,球隊飛往歐洲!神秘的遺址和文化遺跡迎接COMCO Mundo員工在希臘的陽光海岸COMCO Mundo團隊探索這個國家,學者們認為神的土地,西方文明的搖籃”和民主的誕生地。古老的傳說來生活在他們為期一周的留在停在雅典衛城和古代的集市,有些人也許會想象,讓熙熙攘攘的雅典公民當他們購物,交易,和敬拜他們的神的廟宇。進一步探索了團隊在波塞冬神殿,希臘的神海,和田園Agistri希臘群島,埃伊納島,九頭蛇,波羅斯島。該小組還享有與海洋和天空會合在地中海遊泳。快速停止在新加坡帶他們麵對另一種生物的幻想——新加坡魚尾獅富勒頓,之前他們限製食品盛宴和一個標誌性新加坡旅行經驗,品嚐美食的烹飪美味資本一個標誌性的小販中心,劉爸爸坐。該公司還紀念7年的電影之夜COMCOmigos,治療其重視媒體,博客,影響者、內容創造者和數字活化劑夥伴和朋友一個晚上的篩查和遊戲大片奇跡電影監護人的星係卷。3在Ayala商場的棉紗細密薄布4電影。COMCO世界報》的電影之夜COMCOmigos以監護人的星係卷。3 COMCO》今年啟動一個團隊晚餐Tagaytay這些肯定是慶祝公司也歡迎讚譽和一個更大的家COMCO中隊在馬尼拉和迪拜。COMCO海又一次公認的具有裏程碑意義的人計劃和活動媒介谘詢獎在著名的和高度覬覦PRCA亞太區(公共關係和通信協會亞太)獎2023。該公司因有效的業務結果,社區領導和業務的創新。COMCO中隊慶祝公司PRCA的同時,亞太地區2023年贏得COMCO Mundo聯盟企業最近還推出了第二階段的辦公室擴張Ayala大道在馬卡迪城市中央商務區的核心。 It houses the newly launched digital and integrated communications agency TARO AOX Inc., the group’s parent company COMCO Mundo League of Enterprises, the New PR and Smart Social unit COMCO Southeast Asia, and Southeast Asia’s regional publication SEA Wave Pop Culture Studio. New COMCO Mundo headquarters in Makati City, Philippines Meanwhile, COMCO Middle East & Africa is also enjoying meteoric growth, having successfully concluded the Middle East Film and Comic Con or MEFFC 2023 with record-breaking numbers and continuing to be the agency partner of choice of top leisure, hospitality, and food brands. They have also recently found their home at the prestigious address of Ibn Battuta Gate at Jebel Ali, Dubai. The COMCO Middle East and Africa team based in Dubai, UAE “It has certainly been an epic 7 years for us in COMCO as we’ve continued our meteoric growth in the Middle East & Africa, launched our digital and integrated communications agency in Southeast Asia, and expanded our offices on both shores to serve as the craftsmanship vessel for our new talents. What better way to commemorate these wins and our COMCO Squadron who has been with us in this journey than with overseas team travel,” shared Ferdinand Bondoy, COMCO Mundo Group Chief Executive Director and Lead Strategic Communications Counsel / Partner and Co-Founder. “We invest in overseas team travel because we invest in our people. As storytellers, travel widens the team’s perspective about the world and life in general; the shared discovery, journey, and experience strongly connects the team; and the one-of-a-kind immersion further cultivates our workplace culture.” As its epic 7th celebration continues, COMCO Mundo looks forward to sharing more surprises, major announcements, and a big event in the last quarter of the year. To know more about COMCO Mundo and its initiatives, visit
ComCo東南亞總部位於單元601 e, 6 f韋森特情歌建築,城市馬卡迪。
發芽的解決方案是人力資源(HR)和工資business - to - business (B2B)服務作為軟件(SaaS)的公司。它使用人工智能(AI)和預測分析,並提供工資管理、工資的進步,人力資源分析,更多的解決方案。公司迎合業務流程外包(BPO)、製造、零售和批發行業。它成立於2015年,總部設在Mandaluyong城市,菲律賓。
佳兆業集團提供雲軟件解決方案如SAP ERP和S / 4 hana NetSuite,畫麵,Resulticks。它位於奎鬆市,菲律賓。