康涅狄格Sun-Lumos科技合作幫助教練和工作人員優化晝夜節律由斯坦福大學隸屬美國航天宇航局的科學家和由一個研究所,lumo科技的睡眠麵膜使用光技術來消除時差。8.16.2023康涅狄格州的太陽發揮了周二晚上比賽後在鳳凰城,團隊登上番茄醬商業飛行明尼蘇達州的一個連接。第二飛行回到哈特福德被推遲,擴展他們的停留,所以太陽沒有回家直到周三,周四上午11:30回家密報迫在眉睫,不到36小時和三個時區遠離遊戲之前的結論。這樣的旅行彎曲是極端但的部分原因lumo科技針對協會首次職業體育團隊合作,開始一個新的合作與康涅狄格太陽來支持他們的教練和工作人員。剝離出來的研究從斯坦福睡眠和生理科學中心的lumo使高科技睡眠麵膜使用光線療法來調節人體的晝夜節律,幫助他們改善睡眠質量和優化能量水平時適應改變日程安排和旅行計劃。lumo科技與太陽是他們的第一個團隊的合作夥伴關係,但一些精英運動員已經采用了麵具,尤其是職業騎自行車和田徑運動員。“我們調查了職業體育旅行最多,“lumo科技CEO Biquan獅子座說,注意的是,隊”最激烈的“行程。“這種快速變化的睡眠時間對身體非常有害的晝夜節律,”她補充道,“這就是我們的產品設計來克服。“就目前而言,沒有一個球員將被授予lumo科技睡眠麵具,因為聯賽禁止數據共享,但陽光體育教練妮可·亞曆山大表示,她將協助感興趣的運動員自己使用該產品這個休賽期。休賽期,畢竟有點用詞不當對許多職業女子籃球球員經常競爭國際協會計劃結束時。 Alexander has worked with the national team program as well, where one of those athletes drove home the point. “I always think back — I had an athlete with USA Basketball,” Alexander said, “and she was like, 'I've played in five different countries this week.’” She added that the Sun were particularly sore going into that Thursday 11:30 game because air travel can inflame ailments, and there wasn’t enough time for proper rest upon arrival. “I know, with my group of athletes, especially after a game, a lot of them have a hard time coming down to relax and get asleep,” Alexander said. “But there's such a quick turnaround that we're traveling to the next time zone or to the next game — just giving them anything to encourage better sleep to help their recovery would be great.” The core IP of Lumos Tech is derived from the work of Stanford professor Jamie Zeitzer. Luo was one of the postdoc researchers in his lab that pursued the idea as a commercial enterprise. The sleep mask pairs with an app in which users can set sleep schedules and travel itineraries. The mask emits lights at specific brightness and frequency to align a user’s circadian rhythm. While the exact mechanism of function is still being actively researched, Luo said, “generally speaking, the light that affects circadian rhythm goes to a different pathway than the vision forming pathway.” In layman’s terms, that means the mask can emit rhythm-altering light without waking the user. The results Lumos has published are attention-getting. Use of the mask can cut jet lag in half, and a Department of Defense-funded study about night shift workers has shown notable gains. (Lumos Tech has also received investment from a NASA-affiliated research institute.) “That study is ongoing, but based on our preliminary data, we were able to improve the alertness by objectively measuring their reaction time by 61%,” Luo said. “And then we're able to reduce the sleepiness that they felt — so, subjective sleepiness — by 33%. So that data was incredibly encouraging, and we see across the board that people's performance gets better because they're more alert.”