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|會員(收費)蓋蒂在我的上一篇文章中,我談到了CMO和所需要的角色變化在這種環境下獲得成功。現在,讓我們仔細看看如何處理最關鍵的元素:數據。我們已清楚地看到那些高度的分散是CMOs data-focused,和CMOs人仍應對這一挑戰。是什麼讓數據當務之急?有很多原因迫使CMO協議較高優先級數據和相關平台的決定,包括以下。•個性化是CMOs的第一項議程,並驅動個性化、單一來源的真理是必須的。•改善客戶體驗帶來的信任和管理客戶的能力consent-automated和實時。•創建智能分割和驅動營銷行為是可能隻有通過強大的數據平台。CMOs應對挑戰是什麼?建議你少這樣的故事雖然單一來源的事實是顯而易見的,存在多個,斷開連接的遺留係統使目標難以實現。 CMOs don’t have real control over diverse systems like sales, service, commerce, loyalty or ERP. Additionally, getting the data in a way that their marketing teams can use it in a rapidly changing environment is equally challenging. The modern customer journey transpires across multiple systems that are too many and disconnected. To add to this problem, customers are moving so fast between so many channels that the ability to connect the different identities and still create a unified omnichannel experience is challenging. Data aggregation infrastructure exists, but the approach is rather tactical and focuses on using the system where the first-party data resides—mainly the CRM system. How should you approach this issue? To address the scenarios described above, a “moment-oriented architecture” is needed. Establishing such an architecture is a mammoth task needing executive support, collaboration and execution abilities. While the issue seems daunting, leading CMOs are tackling this issue head-on with their focus on establishing a strong data platform with the right help from technology partners where necessary. CMOs need to have a few key factors in mind while making a decision on the “moment-oriented architecture” and the selection of the right technology platform so that they can leverage data as a powerful asset. These include the following platform abilities. • Handle the diversity of data across different sources, file formats, volumes and speeds. • Transform the data and organize it in a simple, ready-to-consume manner for value creation across the organization. • Manage consent automatically and in real time. • Manage identity, which is a key factor for driving omnichannel experience. • Integrate with multiple sources through native connectors (e.g., loyalty system, commerce, sales, service and analytics). Unlock business values across the lifecycle of the customer. A robust customer data platform, if implemented well, can unlock many business benefits across the customer lifecycle. • Awareness: Segmentation-based targeting to deliver specific offers and services. • Engagement: Improved call-to-action across channels by utilizing previous engagement and campaign response data. • Acquisition: Continuous profiling to drive personalization and drive micro-segmentation, resulting in better customer acquisition. • Cross/Upsell: Personalized offers based on historical purchase data (e.g., offers for new customers will be different from existing customers, with an objective of cross-selling or upselling). • Retention: Leveraged loyalty attributes to improve retention and repeat purchase. Where are you on your journey? What’s the biggest bottleneck you see as you approach this issue?
數據決定有1 基金,包括藍山集團Tethis。
截止日期 |
基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
來源 |
藍山集團Tethis |
1 |
截止日期 |
基金 |
藍山集團Tethis |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
來源 |
1 |
日期 |
類型 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
新聞片段 |
來源 |
合作夥伴 |
美國 |
1 |
合作夥伴 |
日期 |
類型 |
合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
美國 |
新聞片段 |
來源 |
1 |
數據決定有6 團隊成員,包括現任首席執行官邁克冰雹。
的名字 |
工作經曆 |
標題 |
狀態 |
邁克冰雹 |
KBM集團 |
首席執行官 |
當前的 |
的名字 |
邁克冰雹 |
工作經曆 |
KBM集團 |
標題 |
首席執行官 |
狀態 |
當前的 |