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信息服務公司Dialectica推出了B2B調查,這是一項新服務,增強了其定製洞察服務的全麵組合。B2B調查使商業和投資專業人士-包括世界領先的谘詢、對衝基金和私募股權公司-能夠使用曆史上僅限於B2C洞察世界的研究方法收集專有的定量見解。該解決方案滿足了與辯證法專家訪談服務相匹配的定製調查服務的需求。Dialectica公司董事總經理兼聯合創始人Fred Corkett說:“在全球範圍內,人們對經過驗證和可信的商業見解和市場數據的需求正在飆升,企業和投資專業人士正在尋找創新的方式來獲取初級研究和實時信息,為商業決策提供依據,並評估數十億美元的投資機會。”Corkett還領導著公司的創新部門。根據Corkett的說法,辯證法設計了其B2B調查服務,以確保研究數據集能夠代表客戶感興趣的利基市場。他們還提供了調查答複來自審查B2B專家的保證。他指出,“幫助我們的客戶做出更明智、更好、更快的決策是我們團隊的熱情所在,這項新服務是根據他們的需求構建的。”Dialectica將其B2B調查服務定位為一站式服務,包括調查設計谘詢、調查編程、專家受訪者的定製招聘和調查結果的可視化。該服務提供了受訪者身份的透明度,並產生了快速的洞察,以滿足緊張的並購交易和決策時間表。 Roula Zaarour , who was recently appointed Dialectica’s Managing Director for the Americas and is responsible for leading the company in the region, notes that the company is rapidly scaling its operations and doubling its workforce in the Americas, and expanding its product portfolio to meet client demand for fast access to real-time data and information to inform critical business decisions. Zaarour adds that, “B2B Surveys strengthen our positioning in the market by supporting clients who need to gather survey insights and make evidence-based decisions within niche B2B markets.” Commenting on its growth plans, Zaarour says that Dialectica plans to continue investing in its talent , the company’s most important asset, as well as its research excellence capabilities, along with its robust compliance framework, and cutting-edge technology. The company positions itself to become a global leader in the information services industry. Dialectica, which is headquartered in the UK and leads its Americas operations from Montreal, has grown from a team of 100 to more than 750 employees across Europe and the Americas in just three years. Dialectica’s Client Service team follows an agile research-first approach. By rapidly iterating its expert search based on a deep understanding of client projects, its employees are focused on sourcing the most relevant insights from hard-to-find experts from any global industry. Dialectica’s vision is to shape better business decision-making worldwide for clients, which include the world’s leading investment and consulting firms, as well as the largest corporations. Dialectica enables these organizations to collect real-time information and market insights from industry experts across markets, industries, and regions. The company counts hundreds of success stories across numerous markets, from commercial drones, biotechnology, and medical imaging to agriculture, grocery retail, and many more. Dialectica has been recognized as one of the fastest-growing companies in Europe in 2022 and 2021 by the Financial Times and Statista. In 2021, Dialectica grew by 100% and was named a Best Workplace in Europe for its continued commitment to investing in its employees’ development and fostering a culture of trust and open communication. By 2025, Dialectica aims to reach the milestone of 1,200 team members across Europe, the Americas, and Asia. Dialectica plans to continue expanding its commercial ventures and develop more information services products in the next three to five years.
techspert.iois a search engine scouring the internet for professionals available to answer questions for all types of business. It provides AI-driven technology to revolutionize how knowledge is indexed, identified, and sourced within the healthcare and life sciences sectors using machine learning, it index and ranks over 100 million experts globally for suitability to speak on any niche, digging into exactly what data points on influence and knowledge predict the likelihood of accurate and successful consultancy. The company was founded in 2016 and is based in Cambridge, U.K.
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