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Dick's Sporting Goods

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Dick's Sporting Goods Logo

Why doesDick's Sporting Goodswin vs.Big 5 Sporting Goods?

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Dick's Sporting Goods's alternatives and competitors

See howDick's Sporting Goodscompares to similar products.Dick's Sporting Goods's top competitors includeBig 5 Sporting Goods,The North Face, andWalmart.

Big 5 is a sporting goods retailer in the western United States, operating stores under the "Big 5 Sporting Goods" name. Big 5 provides a full-line product offering in …

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Frill Clothing Logo
Frill Clothing

Frill Clothing designs sorority recruitment clothing with charity in mind. They are a one-stop shop for sorority girls and donate a portion of each sorority's proceeds to the charity of their choice. In addition to making sorority recruitment products, Frill designs trendy bridesmaid outfits and monogrammed products.

Giftapart Logo

Developer of a platform for purchasing gifts.

HDS Global

HDS Global develops an eCommerce service to shop for groceries and general merchandise. The company has developed RoboFS, a robotic, software-defined fulfillment system, and RetailerFS, a mall eCommerce platform, to enable HDS to offer consumers, without subscription, a multi-tenant, branded retailer experience with one cart, merchandise across all categories (including groceries), and free, same-day delivery at store prices.


Justo offers an online supermarket service. It designs, develops, and deploys technology to support different processes within the company, from assortment and inventory management to operations and logistics. It was founded in 2019 and is based in Mexico City, Mexico.

HEB Grocery

HEB is a regional food retailer operating hundreds of grocery stores in Texas in a number of formats, including superstores, supermarkets and gourmet markets. It was founded in 1905 and is based in San Antonio, Texas.

BabyList Logo

Babylist is a vertical marketplace and commerce destination for baby products. Utilizing proprietary data, patented technology, and unbiased editorial guidance, the company recommends expert-tested products to those starting their parenting journey. Babylist registries connect new parents and their community of family and friends who help plan, prepare, and shop for a child's arrival. Babylist was founded in 2011 and is based in Oakland, California.

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