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多倫多,安大略省,加拿大紐約,2022年6月24日——GIC, OMERS Infrastructure和Wren House宣布簽署協議,共同從Apollo和EQT管理的投資基金手中收購Direct ChassisLink Inc. (DCLI)。DCLI是美國領先的底盤供應商,能夠實現集裝箱貨物往返港口,鐵路場和客戶地點的公路運輸。投資條款尚未披露。DCLI是美國最大的底盤租賃公司之一,擁有超過151,000個船用底盤和100,000個國內底盤,在美國主要港口和鐵路終端的戰略地點運營。DCLI總部位於北卡羅來納州夏洛特市,擁有約410名員工。新加坡政府投資公司基礎設施首席投資官Ang Eng Seng表示:“作為全球長期投資者,新加坡政府投資公司尋求投資世界級公司。GIC很高興與誌同道合的投資者OMERS Infrastructure和Wren House合作,收購美國最大的底盤租賃商之一DCLI,為促進貿易提供基礎設施。”GIC總經理兼美洲基礎設施主管Boon Chin Hau表示:“在美國,隨著公司尋求降低運輸成本和減少碳足跡,多式聯運正在興起。作為市場領先的底盤租賃商,我們堅信DCLI有能力利用這一增長趨勢。我們期待著支持DCLI的管理團隊繼續他們令人印象深刻的增長。”OMERS Infrastructure高級董事總經理兼美洲負責人Gisele Everett表示:“我們很高興能夠與GIC和Wren House一起代表OMERS進行這項投資,與OMERS Infrastructure一樣,Wren House以長期的資產管理和價值創造方法而自豪。 Following the close of the transaction, DCLI will become OMERS Infrastructure’s eighth global investment in transportation and mobility, adding to our portfolio including roads, bridges and ports around the world.” Philippe Busslinger, CEO of Wren House, said: “We are very excited to invest in DCLI, an exceptional company in the U.S. transport sector. We look forward to a long-term collaboration with its industry-leading management team, GIC and OMERS. This second investment for us in North America supports Wren House’s long‐term goal to build a global quality infrastructure portfolio with outstanding management teams.” “This agreement underscores the tremendous growth DCLI has enjoyed since our founding in 2012 and all we do to serve the nation’s intermodal transportation system,” said Bill Shea, DCLI CEO. “We thank Apollo and EQT for investing in our success, and look forward to working with OMERS, Wren House and GIC to sustain those investments and do even more to serve our customers’ supply chain needs.” The closing of the transaction is expected in H2 2022, subject to customary closing conditions, including regulatory approvals. GIC contact
直接ChassisLink Rank
Direct ChassisLink是什麼時候成立的?
Direct ChassisLink成立於1904年。
Direct ChassisLink的總部在哪裏?
Direct ChassisLink的總部位於夏洛特白廳公園路3525號。
Direct ChassisLink的最新一輪融資是什麼?
Direct ChassisLink的最新一輪融資是收購。
誰是Direct ChassisLink的投資者?
Direct ChassisLink的投資者包括GIC、OMERS、Wren House、Apollo Global Management、EQT Partners等3家公司。
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