羅恩DeSantis周一表示,他“繼續”與華特迪士尼公司不和,已經持續了兩年。戰鬥升級到媒體公司4月份起訴政府。“但是我們今天,你知道,我們基本上改變了。他們起訴佛羅裏達州,他們將失去訴訟。所以我想說的是放棄訴訟,”DeSantis在急轉彎剪輯從接受CNBC采訪時“最後所說的“錨布萊恩·沙利文。“看,我和我的妻子,我們結婚在迪斯尼世界。所以它不像我們反對。我的意思是,我們感謝多年來與他們合作,但我隻會說,回到你做得很好。我認為這將是正確的商業決策,”共和黨候選人說。讀下一個上個月,DeSantis說他認為迪斯尼的“醒來”的政策,如反對佛羅裏達anti-LGBTQ +法律,損害了它的財務狀況。 “My wife and I really believe that parents should be able to send their kids to school and watch cartoons without having an agenda shoved down their throat,” he said on “The Clay & Buck Show,” a conservative syndicated talk radio program. “That’s why we stood up to Disney with respect to our parents rights and education bill. And I think that it is impacting parents’ willingness to want to take their kids to the Disney stuff.” DeSantis’ issues with Disney date back to when Bob Chapek was still CEO, but have continued under the new Bob Iger administration. Read Next After DeSantis championed a law that sought to limit Disney’s ability to appoint the board of the special taxing district it’s enjoyed since 1967, the company sued the state. Disney recently defended the lawsuit, alleging that since DeSantis used his political office to retaliate against them, he should not “evade responsibility” and should be held liable for “implementing, administering, and enforcing state laws that punish residents for political statements violating a state-prescribed speech code.” The suit went on to state, “Florida cannot decide which rights and privileges to confer on special districts based on their residents’ political viewpoints — just as it could not do so based on their residents’ race or religion.” Read Next