藝術家的印象EastEnd屋頂公寓前紐卡斯爾俱樂部,離開了。可敬的紐卡斯爾俱樂部抨擊虹膜資本的最新獵人街購物中心發展的建議作為一個“公然和無恥的境界”和“背叛”附近的居民。紐卡斯爾市中心居民協會(NICRA),國民信托和聖公會院長凱瑟琳·鮑耶公開批評修改後的發展對傳統建築和走廊的看法的影響基督教堂大教堂。紐卡斯爾俱樂部首席執行官伊恩•貝克的措辭強硬的反對開發應用程序表示俱樂部港口“嚴重關切,審批流程承擔……依靠傳統和影響語句的看法,我們認為含有誤導和不正確的假設和結果不利於紐卡斯爾俱樂部的利益和其他文化遺產項目的州和地方的意義”。“當把物鏡下看來,虹膜顧問的報告支持感興趣的可用性的觀點,從其提出的發展將直接相關的購買價格可能要求額外的高度應該允許,”提交說。虹膜開發應用程序尋求51.7米的高度提出了“金斯敦”公寓前紐卡斯爾俱樂部在國王街,從42米計劃批準的概念。委員會高度限製允許建立42米在傾斜的網站上加上10%如果開發人員運行設計的競爭,而虹膜。擬議的金斯敦建築是兩層以上高度增強的津貼。另一個的四個提議EastEnd建築掩蓋了俱樂部的看法比其高15米30米高的極限概念下的批準。 An architectural render of the proposed Kingston apartment building on the corner of Newcomen and King streets. Iris's application for stages three and four of the project says the height variations are justified because it has moved one building and "remassed" the site to create a public square, open a view corridor to the cathedral and improve heritage outcomes for the retained Municipal Building on Hunter Street. The 102-year-old club says Iris's new plans seek an "outrageous increase in additional height, bulk and scale beyond what could be argued as reasonable". The submission says the consultants' reports contain a "strategic common narrative" which seeks to minimise the "iconic heritage" standing of the club, cathedral, Claremont House, Segenhoe apartments and an 1860s King Street house the National Trust believes is the oldest timber building in Newcastle. "It is a blatant and unashamed ambit claim that displays contempt to the past DA process and a betrayal of the previous goodwill shown by the East End residents who made considerable concessions in their support of the original conceptual DA," the club's submission says. Iris submitted a consultant's view impact assessment which says the club, Herald Apartments and Segenhoe building are "likely to be affected to some extent by potential view loss" but the overall outcome is "reasonable and supportable". The report says the Newcastle Club will lose the "scenic and highly valued" features of its view of the coastline but that this would happen anyway if a 42-metre building was approved. The club's submission objects to the consultants' conclusion that the view impact of a taller building would be "low" as it involved only a loss of blue sky. The club says the consultants responsible for the view and heritage reports did not contact the club nor seek access to the club building to gauge the proposed development's impact. An artist's impression of the view looking south from Hunter Street to the proposed Market Square and Christ Church Cathedral. City of Newcastle will assess the development application, but the Hunter Central Coast Regional Planning Panel is the final approval authority for the project. The club submission calls on the council to "completely reject" the application and "instruct the developer to go back to the drawing board and honour the goodwill and intent of the original concept DA". A council spokesperson said last month that Iris's architectural design competition for the final stages of the EastEnd project had "presented an exciting opportunity to bring together a shared vision between CN and Iris Capital to complete the final stages of the city's revitalised East End, including the vision for a public corridor to connect the Harbour to Cathedral Park". NICRA spokesperson Brian Ladd said last month that the changes "obliterate the grandeur" of public views of the cathedral and raised doubts over whether the council could still achieve its "Stairway to Heaven" concept of a wide staircase leading from the harbour to the landmark church . The Newcastle Herald contacted Iris for comment. IN THE NEWS
Eastend總部位於63 Ttukseom-ro 1-gil, Seongdong-gu,首爾。