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關閉交易獲得的知識產權資產Euthymics生物科學公司將開發Amitifadine Serotonin-Preferring三重戒煙和其他應用程序的再攝取抑製劑成癮和抑鬱的11月1日,2017年東部時間上午08:09劍橋,質量。——(業務線)——Ethismos研究Inc .)臨床分期製藥公司關注成癮和抑鬱由安東尼·麥金尼今天宣布收購Euthymics生物科學公司的知識產權資產。這是由十二個家庭的專利和專利申請包括底層amitifadine serotonin-preferring三重再攝取抑製劑之前根據Euthymics第二階段發展。Amitifadine被認為提供改進的功效作為戒煙的藥物(連同標準行為療法)。全球有超過十億吸煙者,尼古丁上癮是一個嚴重的問題目前的戒煙療法以來溫和的功效有超過90%的人試圖戒煙的痛苦複發和回到他們的老方法。在美國,隻有7%的成人煙民試圖戒煙成功。(1)大約有4000萬美國成年人每天吸煙,每年超過一半試圖戒煙。這些超過三分之一使用藥物來幫助他們戒煙。在1億年和2億年歐洲和中國有超過每日吸煙者,分別。在所有地區,絕大多數煙民試圖戒煙會複發,大多數嚐試幾天或幾周內,常常由於情緒/焦慮或屈服於衝動衝動當遇到吸煙的提示。“我們希望幫助吸煙者打破煙草的債券,”安東尼·麥金尼說,Ethismos”創始人兼首席執行官。 “At Ethismos we are working to develop amitifadine as a novel smoking cessation medication with potentially higher efficacy than standard medications because amitifadine has pharmacology to address the primary reasons that smokers relapse. We hope to demonstrate that a decrease in withdrawal effects, less impulsive smoking in response to behavioral cues, and preventing post-cessation weight gain lead to less relapse.” Amitifadine is a well-characterized Triple Reuptake Inhibitor that addresses the factors that drive relapse. Modulation of serotonin addresses the mood component of withdrawal such as the depression that frequently develops post-quit. Dopamine reuptake inhibition addresses the craving for nicotine and may also help with the lack of pleasure developing during withdrawal (anhedonia). Modulation of norepinephrine is believed to decrease impulsivity to smoke when encountering cues and may help with post-quit anxiety. And norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibition combine to combat the weight gain that frequently accompanies smoking cessation. Mr. McKinney has a strong background working with amitifadine since he was founding CEO of Euthymics starting in 2010. He also served as founding CEO of Neurovance that was spun out from Euthymics as a sister company to advance centanafadine, a norepinephrine-preferring triple for ADHD. In March 2017 Otsuka acquired Neurovance for $250m in near-term and development milestones. Mr. McKinney added, “At Ethismos, we are reassembling many of the personnel that completed and analyzed the centanafadine phase 2b trial and assembled the End of Phase 2 package for the FDA.” The Ethismos phase 2 smoking cessation clinical trial program will be led by Jed Rose, PhD, Director of the Rose Research Center and a leader in the smoking cessation field who is co-inventor of the nicotine skin patch as well as e-cigarette technologies. Dr. Rose states, "Current smoking cessation treatments have only modest long-term success rates, so new pharmacotherapies that address the multiple components of addiction are urgently needed." Beyond smoking cessation, there are additional opportunities to develop amitifadine to address alcohol use disorder and other substance use disorders. Ethismos will also consider amitifadine for use in treatment resistant depression. Clinical trials have previously demonstrated that amitifadine is well tolerated with favorable outcomes on weight and sexual function. The word “ethismos” is a concept from ancient Greece that relates to the customs we are taught and the habits we develop as we go through life. More information is available at www.ethismos.com . (1)Babb S, Malarcher A, Schauer G, Asman K, Jamal A. Quitting Smoking Among Adults — United States, 2000–2015. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017;65:1457–1464. Contacts
Ethismos研究收購了1 公司。他們最新的收購Euthymics生物科學 在2017年11月1日。
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11/1/2017 |
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28.33美元 |
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日期 |
11/1/2017 |
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總資金 |
28.33美元 |
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