全球農業機械的CAGR預計將增長7.7%,在2023 - 2028年全球農業機械市場預計將產生4051.4億美元到2028年底,從2021年的2446.7億美元。公司在報告中分析了包括機械舞行業,愛科公司,迪爾公司(Deere &公司Excel行業,ClAAS公司mbh, CNH工業噴嘴速度馬辛德拉和馬辛德拉。研究還看市場增長指標,限製,供給和需求的風險,和其他重要的統計數據,以及一個完整的評估當前和未來的市場趨勢相關的市場發展。主要的驅動因素的增長全球農業機械市場日益增長的需求智能、高效的機械設備,由於不斷增長的全球人口和需要改進生產力和運營效率和增加關注全世界可持續農業實踐。目前,使用農業機械農業耕作已經大大改變了。現代農業機械農業實踐發生了革命性變化,導致提高效率、生產力,和可持續性。因此,人們變得更可持續的和有效的農業實踐。的增長的主要動力之一,農業機械市場增加對糧食的需求。與世界人口預計將達到97億,到2050年,糧食需求預計將增加至少50%。為了滿足這一需求,農民們轉向先進機械提高他們的生產力和效率。 This has led to a significant increase in the demand for agricultural machinery. The global agricultural machinery market is experiencing significant growth, driven by increasing demand for food. As the world population continues to grow, there is a greater need for agricultural machinery to produce more food in a shorter period of time. Also, governments around the world are implementing policies and programs to support farmers and increase food production. This study also provides a competitive landscape of the industry and profiles leading players in the Global Agriculture Machinery Market including Bucher Industries, AGCO Corporation, Deere & Company, Excel Industries, CLAAS KGaA mbh, Kubota Corporation, and others. The company profiling includes critical information such as a business overview, products and services, key financials, and recent events and developments. Overall, the report provides a detailed overview of Global Agriculture Machinery, which will assist industry consultants, equipment manufacturers, existing players looking for expansion opportunities, new players looking for opportunities, and other stakeholders in aligning their market-centric strategies with current and expected future trends. Key Attributes: The report analyses the Agricultural Machinery Market by Volume (Million Units). The report presents the analysis of the Agricultural Machinery market for the historical period of 2018-2021, the estimated year 2022, and the forecast period of 2023-2028. The report analyses the Agricultural Machinery Market by Product (Tractors, Thresher, Rotavator, Harvester, Other Products). The report analyses the Agricultural Machinery Market by Applications (Development and Seed Bed Preparation, Harvesting and Threshing, Plant Protection, Other Applications). The report analyses the Agricultural Machinery Market by Energy Capacity (Below 100 HP, More 101-500 HP, More Than 500 HP). The Global Agricultural Machinery Market has been analyzed by countries (United States, Canada, Brazil, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and Indonesia). The key insights of the report have been presented through the frameworks of SWOT and Porter's Five Forces Analysis. Also, the attractiveness of the market has been presented by region, by product, by application, and by energy capacity. Also, the major opportunities, trends, drivers, and challenges of the industry have been analyzed in the report. The report tracks competitive developments, strategies, mergers and acquisitions and new product development. Competitive Positioning