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這張照片顯示了Excel Water的艾瑪·阿米蒂奇與YBFA的保羅·格雷斯(左)和麥西亞的安迪·希頓。創始人的女兒以7位數的價格收購了一家家族經營的水處理公司,這筆交易得到了麥西亞(Mercia)中小企業貸款(SME Loans)基金的支持。收購位於約克郡的Excel Water後,現任董事總經理艾瑪·阿米蒂奇(Emma Armitage)獲得了業務控製權,並允許她的兄弟達倫·菲爾德(Darren Field)部分退休。Emma現在的目標是在未來一年將營業額提高20%,並創造4個新的工作崗位,因為公司的目標是通過水資源放鬆管製等機會實現增長。Excel Water總部位於阿勒頓Bywater,為全國各地的企業製造和安裝商業水處理係統,通常是生產食品、製藥、汽車和清潔產品等產品的企業,這些產品的生產需要更高質量的水。它是為數不多的同類公司之一,可以提供從初始水分析和鑽孔處理到設備維修和維護的全方位服務。該公司為布拉德福德的Astonish清潔產品工廠、牛津的寶馬工廠和皇家博爾頓醫院等機構安裝了工廠。Excel Water由Brian Field於1992年創立,他之前曾在水行業工作。目前有9名員工,包括達倫的兒子詹姆斯·菲爾德。Emma在廢物管理部門工作後,於2004年加入公司,自2014年以來一直擔任董事總經理。 Emma Armitage said: “I am proud to be taking over the family business and plan to make the most of the opportunities ahead. The deregulation of the water industry in recent years has given companies greater control over their water supply, enabling them to save on their utility bills. At the same time there is greater focus on saving water for environmental reasons. I look forward to working with our loyal team to take the firm to the next stage of its development .” SME Loans is one of the few funds able to support the management buy-out of a smaller firm using solely debt funding. Andy Heaton of Mercia added: “Emma is a very impressive leader who has built a strong team. We are pleased to be able to back the buy-out of this successful family business in a deal that will help secure its future and the jobs of its staff, and position it for future growth.” Paul Grace of YBFA provided fundraising advice to the company. He said: “It’s been a pleasure to work with Emma and structure the funding for the management buy-out. Since we first met, her passion and enthusiasm has shone through, and I have full confidence the business will go from strength to strength. Mercia demonstrated a thorough understanding of the business and provided a unique funding structure which enabled the buy-out to take place while allowing sufficient cash to be reinvested for future growth.”
Excel Water是什麼時候成立的?
Excel Water成立於1993年。
Excel Water的總部在哪裏?
Excel Water的總部位於卡斯爾福德的1B窯公園。
Excel Water的最新一輪融資是多少?
Excel Water的最新一輪融資是管理層收購。
Excel Water的投資者是誰?
Excel Water的投資者包括艾瑪•阿米蒂奇(Emma Armitage)和西班牙國家銀行(Banco Santander)。
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