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Extend是一個領先的虛擬卡和支出管理平台,在2022年表現強勁,因為客戶有機會為他們的商業信用卡添加強大的控製和洞察。自近六年前成立以來,Extend已經使公司能夠將現有的信用卡轉變為支出管理平台。僅去年一年,擁有5000多家客戶、處理數十億美元充電量的Extend平台上的活躍用戶數量就翻了一番,充電量增加了兩倍。“在2023年,我們期待著幫助更多的中小企業以以前隻有大型企業才能使用的方式使用虛擬卡。”通過Extend用戶友好的Web和移動應用程序,客戶可以輕鬆地創建、發送和管理虛擬卡片,並最終控製整個組織的支出。Extend是第一個為企業主、財務主管和管理人員提供一種方法,可以用他們口袋裏的信用卡創建虛擬卡。成千上萬的企業——包括NFL分區冠軍傑克遜維爾美洲虎隊——現在使用Extend來創建具有定製限製和控製的虛擬卡;為特定的收件人和費用製定預算;並自動進行支付調節。2022年,Extend在紐約市開設了一家新辦公室,並將員工隊伍從45人增加到90人。 The company hired David Blaha as chief revenue officer and Savan Hacknorath as chief people officer. A veteran of the payments industry with 25 years of leadership experience at American Express, Blaha joined Extend to lead sales, business development, and partnerships. Hacknorath comes to Extend from BSE Global, the parent company of Barclays Center and the Brooklyn Nets, where she was head of human resources and worked with C-level executives to build high-performing teams. In the coming year, Extend expects to further increase its team by 20%, starting with roles in engineering. Extend released numerous enhancements to its spend management platform in 2022, so most customers can: Manage company spend through new organizational features Enforce company policies through new receipt management controls Further reduce potential fraud or misuse through increased card controls Leverage mobile wallet to support employees on the go Support end-to-end reconciliation processes with integrations into preferred accounting platforms Deliver improved user experience with streamlined workflows and to-dos The company also launched an open API integration—an industry-first offering that enables customers to seamlessly integrate payments into their core business applications from the very card account they already have with their bank. Security and compliance remained high priority in 2022, as well, with the launches of multi-factor authentication and expanded sanctions screening services. Finally, Extend achieved compliance under the forthcoming PCI DSS 4.0 standard and successfully completed its SOC2 audit for the third straight year. Key partnership announcements in 2022 included those with Bank of the West, Bank of Montreal (the first organization to offer Extend’s solution in Canada), and HSBC. Extend, which now supports payments in multiple currencies, also signed expanded partnerships with Mastercard and TSYS, and reinforced existing partnerships. These institutions join a growing list of Extend partners across the payments ecosystem, including credit card issuers, networks, and processors. “We made great strides in 2022, with strategic hires, partnerships, and product enhancements. Today, more than half of all small and mid-market businesses in the U.S. have a credit card that can already be used with Extend, with additional partnerships to come,” said Andrew Jamison, CEO and co-founder of Extend. “In 2023, we look forward to helping even more SMBs use virtual cards in ways that were once only available to large enterprises.”
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