物聯網連接管理平台領導人演變成“厚”cmp的豐富功能由馬特·哈頓,創始合夥人,Transforma見解。新職位從Transforma見解提供了一個新的分類的連接管理平台,基於豐富的產品市場領導者如思科、愛立信和floLIVE。如果我們回顧3 - 5年的連接管理平台(CMP)空間是相對穩定的。功能包括在cmp的行之有效的和沒有太多的進化,和市場定義良好的景觀,是由兩個大的球員。然而,這是一個變革的時期。通過添加新的功能區分的一種方式CMP空間變化的豐富功能的新形式。SIM卡管理的基本功能,如激活/禁用/暫停和計費基準功能CMP,連同一個儀表板用戶界麵和api。每個CMP。今天通過尋求區分基於其他功能。思科為例,現在談論“IoT-as-a-Service”而非CMP,反映其投資組合現在更廣泛。 Transforma Insights agrees. The range of features and functionality that might now be included in a CMP offering goes way beyond just those baseline features mentioned above. As a result of the addition of these richer features we need to think about our market segmentation. There have always been differences between the levels of functionality offered by the various platforms, but this has become increasingly pronounced. The Transforma Insights view is that the CMP space ought to be segmented, broadly speaking between ‘Thin’ CMP vendors where the focus is on the core CMP and ‘Thick’ CMP vendors which offer a range of additional services that are adjacent to the baseline capabilities. What is a ‘Thick’ CMP? The additional functionality provided by these ‘Thick’ CMP vendors is as follows: Advanced analytics – There is a range of analytics functionality for churn prediction, root-cause analysis, anomaly detection and other operations that will be increasingly a differentiator. Most CMPs include some element of analytics, so this is not limited solely to ‘Thick’ platforms, but the sophistication often varies dramatically. Core network – Many operate their own core network functions giving much greater control over connections, data flows and billing, and making the CMP function more transparent and real-time. eSIM subscription management – It is now almost impossible to talk about cellular-based IoT connectivity without considering remote SIM provisioning. The more sophisticated CMPs now also include access to SM-SR/DP and/or SM-DP+. Global connectivity orchestration – As an overlay on providing the eSIM/RSP infrastructure, CMPs can also act as an orchestrator of multi-country connectivity propositions from operators on their platform, not necessarily contracting with the enterprise, but providing the frameworks for this to happen. Figure 1: Connectivity Management Platform variants [Source: Transforma Insights, 2023] Not all CMPs are equal. A ‘Thin’ CMP may be perfectly adequate for an operator’s needs, particularly if it’s cheaper (it almost certainly will be). We think the 80/20 rule applies quite well with CMPs: 80% of customers will probably only demand the 20% of features that are included within the ‘Thin’ CMP. But those customers tend to represent the long-tail, whereas the more demanding will account for the bulk of connections and probably the bulk of value. Many operators will favour having a richer set of features and functionality particularly for addressing more demanding (and valuable) customers such as car manufacturers. What about providing connectivity? We might also include in this list the provision of managed connectivity. In the past, the two leading CMP vendors, Cisco and Ericsson, have at various points toyed with the idea of directly addressing the enterprise with a connectivity offering, but have been dissuaded of the wisdom of that approach by their operator clients (sometimes in very strong terms). However, for many of the other connectivity providers considered in this report, the operation of a multi-tenanted CMP and the direct pursuit of enterprise customers is seen as being perfectly appropriate, particularly as many of the new competitors in the CMP market emanate from MVNOs/MVNEs. Those with MVNO operations, such as emnify, Eseye and floLIVE, for instance, combine both roles, and in some cases would see the two aspects as being inseparable. About the report, and the associated webinar
floLIVE係列的最新一輪融資是B - II。
1 ot carrier-independent物聯網的連通性提供方。它提供了一個SIM卡與2 g、3 g, 4 g, LTE-M連接許多服務提供商和充當許多運營商服務的聚合器。它提供用戶訪問移動數據連接和短信服務物聯網和M2M應用程序通過提供西姆斯的基礎上運營商的服務,以及訪問1終端。它成立於2016年,位於塔林愛沙尼亞。
GNX carrier-neutral,下一代全球連接服務合作夥伴。它提供了全球連接服務旨在提供雲計算客戶鞏固各種連通性提供方和他們的網絡服務整合到一個工作流。公司成立於2018年,總部設在阿姆斯特丹,荷蘭。