










已故的金正日Ja-ok跳舞Kang Won-rae metaverse的會晤“虛擬化身技術”


2022年10月7日,已故的阿凡達金Ja-ok(左)和哦Seung-geun。銀河公司虛擬化身連接死者與現實世界的技術。歌手Kang Won-rae,他被診斷出患有癱瘓在下半身由於意外事故,和已故的金正日Ja-ok,誰在2014年去世,成為第一個跑步者在虛擬化身。當天上午7日Metaverse阿凡達公司Personaspace銀河公司舉行已故的金正日Ja-ok《阿凡達》新聞發布會:紀念ep。2》在江南區Ilji藝術廳,首爾。出席了活動哦Seung-geun,崔Yong-ho曹,金正日Sang-gyun,被李Ye-jae播音員主持。哦Seung-geun,與已故的金正日團聚Ja-ok通過《阿凡達》那一天,說:“我隻夢想著金正日Ja-ok一次。”他補充說,“(看著前麵通過《阿凡達》),他們看起來非常相似的”和“我很快樂,有一個奇怪的心,說話的聲音都是一樣的,風格是一樣的。他總是對我說‘爸爸’,但聽到這些話是感人。表達認知科學家Sang-Kyun金教授說:“死者的對象,您可以創建一個連接點為記憶而繼續記住死者。重播之後,是否有任何擔憂繁殖死者為《阿凡達》,哦Seung-geun回答說:“我很擔心我是否能夠讓《阿凡達》。 He continued, “I thought it would be nice to make it better and cool,” he said. Oh Seung-geun said, “I hope that I will become a meaningful person who can show a good influence rather than a lot of activities.” The late Avatar Kim Ja-ok (left) and Oh Seung-geun. Galaxy Corporation On this day, the late Kim Ja-ok’s virtual avatar appeared in a long pink dress and curled hair, with the image of the deceased as it was. The late avatar Kim Ja-ok greeted Oh Seung-geun and the reporters in attendance, sang directly and performed the stage. Choi Yong-ho, CHO of Galaxy Corporation, said, “There is a lack of technology and it will improve over time, but the voice synchronization rate was close to 99.9%.” opened He continued, “Faces can be made at 99.99% synchronization, but there are ethical concerns about making a deceased person look like a movie CG.” . She added, “Mr. Kim Ja-ok said that in her lifetime she wore a long skirt and she had never worn a short skirt before, she wanted to capture every little thing,” she said. Then, when asked whether a virtual avatar can have popularity, he said, “It can go public.” “The world is coming where everyone can have one of their avatars. More importantly, why should we create an avatar? We have to go together, and I’m thinking that if the movie-like world arrives too soon, I won’t be able to adapt.” Professor Sang-gyun Kim added, “I see the avatar on a square monitor, but next year, a lot of equipment will be released, so I can treat the avatar universally.” The TV Chosun entertainment program ‘AVA DREAM’, where the stage of Kim Ja-ok’s avatar is released, is a program that presents a fantastic stage in a virtual world that transcends time and space. In ‘TRIBUTE’, one of ‘Abadream’ contents, Kang Won-rae, who was diagnosed with paraplegia due to an unexpected accident, will perform as a dance singer. On this day, Choi Yong-ho, CHO, said, “The first ambassador for ‘Ava Dream’ is Kang Won-rae.” He said, “In real life, he is in a wheelchair, but he wants his son to be a dancer on TikTok.” He continued, “The technology called Metaverse makes people see what they want to see.” “Ava Dream,” which I prepared with the late teacher Kim Ja-ok, is an entertainment at the beginning, but is preparing a documentary for the last episode.” Barriers to entry will be lowered. On the other hand, the late Kim Ja-ok’s avatar will appear on the 10th episode of the metaverse music show TV Chosun (‘AVA DREAM’). News 1>





