2023年8月3日薩格勒布/ Lauterach, 2023年8月3日。提供送貨服務在克羅地亞島上小城鎮和狹窄的街道從來都不容易。這就是為什麼以維斯已經開始為它的客戶提供一個特別環保運輸解決方案今年夏天:發貨的物流公司現在使用電動三輪車私人住宅和公司Rab和Lošinj位於島嶼。這些車輛低噪聲但高性能電動馬達和易於操作,這使得它們適合交付在小城鎮,旅遊勝地和國家公園——最重要的是在節日期間。“重要的是維持島嶼的真實性和獨特性。通過使用我們的電動三輪車提供送貨服務,我們幫助島上綠洲保持他們迷人的性格。和我們的客戶將收到他們所訂貨物在線以環保的方式,“芭芭拉Bujačić說國家克羅地亞韋斯在銷售經理。汽車運輸貨物的總重量500公斤,每天50公裏在一個電池充電。電動貨車在城市地區除了電動三輪車,以韋斯克羅地亞最近開始使用電動貨車為交付給最終客戶在薩格勒布。是否家具、洗衣機、冰箱和冰櫃或體育器材銷售維斯交付產品的客戶需要他們的地方。 An electric van is able to cover 170 kilometers on one battery charge, allowing up to 35 eco-friendly deliveries per day. These vehicles are perfectly suited for transport in urban areas, and even reduce the roar of traffic thanks to their low-noise electric motor. Their batteries are charged via the company’s own Photovoltaic system recently put into operation at the company’s main location near Zagreb. The solar panels installed on the roof of the logistics facility boast an annual total peak performance of 500 kilowatts and contribute to saving about 107 tons of CO2 per year. Gebrüder Weiss implemented these sustainable measures in Croatia to take another step towards achieving the climate neutrality targets by 2030. For several years, the company has invested in alternative drives for heavy load transport, developing ecologically compatible solutions for the last mile. Thus, for instance in the Greater Vienna metropolitan area, electric trucks are used for local transport and for deliveries to final customers in Austria and Hungary. Moreover, one of the first hydrogen trucks worldwide has been in use in Switzerland since 2021. The acquisition of additional hydrogen and electric trucks in Germany is scheduled for 2024. About Gebrüder Weiss Gebrüder Weiss, a global freight forwarder with a core business of overland transport, air and sea freight and logistics, is the world's oldest transport company with a history that dates back more than 500 years. The family-owned company employs nearly 8,400 people worldwide and boasts 180 company-owned locations. The business presence in North America includes headquarters in Chicago and offices in Atlanta, Boston, Dallas, El Paso, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver. Developing and changing with its customers' needs during its long history, Gebrüder Weiss is also a pioneer in sustainable business practices having implemented myriad ecological, economic, and social initiatives. The company's continuous growth illustrates the need for highly experienced global solutions providers through an international network of supply chain experts. Customized solutions with a single point of contact provide customers with an exceptional service experience focused on reliable and economical solutions. www.gw-world.com /us Contact
以韋斯。總部位於Bundesstraße 110年Lauterach。
霍夫曼+ Zeiher是一個中央倉庫物流公司。公司提供了固定的倉庫物流零售貿易和商業化落船公司。它還提供配套服務,如營銷措施,複雜的軟件解決方案,可靠的直接傳遞,以及更多。它成立於1985年,位於Pfungstadt德國。