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您不允許下載,保存或通過電子郵件發送此圖像。訪問圖像庫購買圖像。達尼丁鑄造廠Giltech將於5月12日關門。達尼丁老牌鑄造廠Giltech將於5月關閉,裁員13人,原因是材料成本持續上漲,訂單量減少。該公司成立於1881年,總部位於城市的北端,是澳大利亞和新西蘭最大的有色金屬鑄造廠之一,為新西蘭和國際客戶提供產品。在回答《奧塔哥每日時報》的書麵問題時,Giltech精密鑄造公司總經理鮑勃·亞當斯表示,在意識到業務的未來可持續性存在問題後,該公司於3月初與員工進行了協商。谘詢過程從員工的意見擴展到客戶和供應商,以確定未來對產品供應的要求和需求,以收集未來(至少未來12到18個月)業務可能會是什麼樣子。谘詢於上個月末結束,所有反饋都經過了審查,包括客戶對未來訂單的指示。經過“廣泛考慮”,該公司決定於5月12日停止交易。然後,Giltech將開始關閉工廠、設備和手頭的客戶文件。 Customers had been advised no more orders would be received and stock on hand would be offered where suitable. The foundry provided production castings, bespoke one-off creations and sold its own range of bronze tapping bands and other fittings to the plumbing industry. Asked about the effect on staff, Mr Adams said there had been "a few" resignations received through the consultation process and, as such, 13 employees would become redundant. Asked if there were any job opportunities at Mosgiel-based PW Engineering — the owner of Giltech also owns that business — Mr Adams said that was quite a different type of business, requiring a different skill set. "However, it is our intent to support our staff as much as we can with finding alternative employment." Anyone with potential job opportunities was urged to get in touch. Southland and Otago Regional Engineering Collective board member Sarah Ramsay said the news was "gutting" for industry, not just in Dunedin, but a significant loss of capability for New Zealand "that we won’t get back". "Giltech is Dunedin’s last foundry, they’re a centrepiece of the supply chain for many companies across Otago and Southland, but sadly, as local industry has moved out, there clearly just hasn’t been enough work to keep them going. "The last three years have been incredibly difficult for many of our members. "Manufacturing engineering is a highly capital-intensive business and balance sheets have taken a hammering from continued disruptions to global business as usual," Mrs Ramsay said. That was why the industry needed the Government and the business community to support each other by prioritising procurement of manufacturing domestically, she said. Business South chief executive Mike Collins said it was a sign of the times if the costs of salaries, compliance and supply continued to rise. "Unfortunately not all business can sustain the environment we live in today," he said.
Giltech的競爭對手包括EBR Systems、Tepha、TransMedics、Paragon Medical、Spiracur等12家公司。
Daverci Solutions的目標是為長期護理設施和提供這些設施的機構藥房製作電子藥物管理係統。
C Change Surgical Llc是一家醫療器械公司。它開發了內部解決方案加熱器。引入IntraTemp,它將消除手術液體的不確定性。IntraTemp定義了便攜式控溫衝洗和灌洗液護理的新標準。IntraTemp是完全可移動的,而不是在使用液體的地方加熱液體,從而更有效地保證患者的正確溫度。這將減少你的病人的風險和工作人員的壓力。它能隨時隨地控製溫度。IntraTemp提供溫度數據,以證明質量護理。
L.I.T. Surgical(前身為Alpha Med-Surge)是一家醫療設備公司,開發了一種專利保護的頭戴式手術頭燈,超過了目前的行業標準,以滿足全世界外科醫生的關鍵需求。L.I.T. Surgical的設計旨在通過組合和收集來自多個led的光,並通過複雜的光學幾何結構來確定光的方向,從而提供更冷、更亮的光。這產生了高效的“白光”,旨在使用戶能夠以無與倫比的清晰度和清晰度查看工作區域並識別結構。
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