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goetzpartners被PINOVA Capital和Andreas Seidl博士委任為獨家並購顧問,負責將德國、奧地利、意大利和瑞士的時尚技術市場領導者Assyst集團(“Assyst”或“公司”)出售給全球時尚行業領先的數字解決方案提供商Style3D。兩家公司都深深紮根於服裝開發和生產:Style3D在亞洲,Assyst在歐洲、中東和非洲。他們計劃一起為生產商和品牌創造一個全球產品,涵蓋從開發到生產的整個服裝價值鏈以及各種銷售接觸點。起點將是兩家公司的旗艦產品- Style3D和asssystem . cad的集成。Style3D是目前全球最先進的3D服裝設計軟件,具有較高的增長率。Assyst憑借其2D CAD技術在德國、奧地利、意大利和瑞士市場處於領先地位,並提供從2D和3D CAD到生產(Automarker)和所有銷售接觸點的無縫軟件組合。合並的主要驅動力是兩家公司提供的免費技術,以及從提供數字麵料和配件到實現產品的無縫數字過程的願景。合並也加強了Assyst在3D設計領域的競爭地位。而Style3D則將受益於Assyst在服裝產品開發、CAD和數字模擬以及進入國際市場方麵的專業知識。”Style3D和asssyst對質量有著相同的承諾,在服裝生產方麵有著相同的根基。這兩家公司很相配。 The chemistry is just right,“ says Hans Peter Hiemer, Managing Director, Assyst. The textile and apparel industry are facing intense challenges in terms of sustainability and profitability. Automation and digitally integrated processes are the solution. However, this requires high performance standards in 3D and 2D, transparency in material usage, and connectivity to production processes. Together, Style3D and Assyst can provide this necessary solution. The new end-to-end technology offering from Assyst and Style3D will create the conditions for the rapid, sustainable development of profitable garments as well as for innovative offerings or even new business models. Looking ahead to the future, both parties will offer 2D-based & 3D-based one-stop solutions for business clients leveraging on their global tech base and complementary serviceable resource dominance. Assyst will continue to operate its business independently and will continue to develop, sell, and service all its existing products. goetzpartners acted as sole and exclusive M&A sell-side advisor to PINOVA Capital and Dr. Andreas Seidl. The transaction further underlines our competence advising cross-border M&A transactions and our software sector expertise. About Assyst Assyst is the market leader for fashion technology in Germany, Austria, Italy and Switzerland and is a key partner for digitization in the apparel industry. With an end-to-end approach and integrated systems for 3D, CAD, marker-making, and order optimization, Assyst links development and production and helps to develop, produce and market apparel competitively and successfully. The know-how and expertise of around 120 employees at Assyst’s Munich and Milan sites, together with more than 35 years of experience in apparel industry technology, enable the company to develop end-to-end solutions that help the industry to produce sustainable, fast, and profitably. Assyst operates around the world in more than 60 countries jointly with its partners. About Pinova Capital PINOVA Capital is an independent private equity firm investing in high-growth technology companies in German-speaking regions. PINOVA Capital focuses on “Mittelstand” companies with sales between €10 million and €75 million in the sectors industrial technology and information technology, characterized by significant growth potential, sustainable competitive advantages and a strong market position in their niche. About Style3D Founded in 2015, Style3D is a leading digital solution provider in the global fashion industry. Style3D has built a digital fashion infrastructure by using its own soft-tissue engine as the base technology, an industrial-level software and a 3D design integration and collaboration platform. At present, Style3D provides a complete digital solution for different businesses in the fashion industry and has served thousands of fashion companies worldwide. Style3D is a global company with R&D centers in China and the US, and it has offices in Europe, North America and in the Asian Pacific Region. The team brings together diverse and cross-border international talents such as scientists, engineers, designers, and artists. Transaction Team
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9/1/2020 |
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BioVersys |
20.94美元 |
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日期 |
9/1/2020 |
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20.94美元 |
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