新聞分享這篇文章提供了獨特的夥伴關係提供了最廣泛的環境和人權的解決方案國際托運人亞特蘭大,10月12日,2022年全球綠色航運從®(綠色),國際物流和海關合規的領先供應商,和提升機構(提升),可持續性和社會影響的谘詢公司,是自豪地宣布建立戰略合作夥伴關係,將有助於美國公司改善直接操作和全球供應鏈的可持續性。全球綠色航運+提升機構目前,公司拚湊谘詢公司,技術,和多個外部供應商來推進他們的環境、社會影響和治理(ESG)的目標。通過這種合作,彙集了兩個企業補充專業知識和先進的技術,公司現在能夠簡化解決方案和加速實現他們的可持續發展目標。“越來越多,我們的客戶想要減少環境和人權風險在他們的企業,但它是出了名的難以管理,特別是在供應鏈,”托馬斯·約根森說,總裁和首席執行官的綠色全球航運®。“作為一個技術先進,全球運輸和物流供應商,我們已經帶來一個獨特的視角對國際企業和供應鏈的見解。現在,隨著上升的環境、社會和治理谘詢專業知識,我們可以在我們的行業客戶提供最廣泛的可持續發展服務。”Uplift and Green will provide customers with access to sustainability experts, trade lane solutions, and comprehensive consulting. This includes: Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions tracking, management, reduction, and target-setting services including access to Green's new software, which simplifies a company's efforts to map, measure, and mitigate their Scope 3 transportation GHG emissions. Sustainable supply chain design and optimization through improved routes, biofuel and electric options, and certified carbon offsets. Human rights due diligence implementation through supply chain data collection, risk mapping, policies, and codes of conduct. Human rights compliance with current and forthcoming international and U.S. law and disclosures required by various stakeholders, such as investor groups and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. ESG and environmental strategy including materiality assessment and plans to reduce energy use, water, waste, emissions, and biodiversity impacts. ESG and sustainability communications and reporting including building sustainable brand narratives, communications materials, and sustainability and carbon disclosure reports. "Working together, we have a tremendous opportunity to help companies at every stage of their sustainable business journey," said Corinne Graper, chief executive officer of The Uplift Agency. "By combining Green Worldwide's cutting-edge technology that maps and manages Scope 3 transportation emissions with Uplift's sustainability consulting, companies with large supply chain footprints will have a singular solution to help them track, mitigate, and communicate their sustainability performance." Scope 3 emissions — those in a company's supply chain — can make up the largest portion of an organization's total emission impact. Through this comprehensive partnership, companies are now able to improve their environmental and social impacts in one coordinated strategy. About Green Worldwide Shipping® Green Worldwide Shipping® is a private, wholly owned and independent third-party logistics firm founded in 2008 on the basic principles of respect, dedication, and best-in-class customer service. Green's growing team of supply experts are located in over 14 offices across the U.S. and offer global services for ocean shipping, airfreight, customs brokerage, regulatory trade compliance, warehousing, distribution, project cargo and global supply chain visibility for some of the world's leading international brands. About The Uplift Agency Uplift is a full-service sustainability and social impact firm specializing in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategies, improvement plans, reports, and communications. Uplift helps clients build more sustainable and responsible businesses and brands. The agency combines deep technical knowledge in corporate environmental, human rights and social impacts with communications and creative expertise to help companies look better and do better. Uplift's 360-degree approach enables it to partner with and support clients throughout their ESG journey. Media Contact:
全球綠色航運的總部位於619 E大學Ave,迪凱特。