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隨著企業在數字經濟中快速增長,重要的是要記住外部人才如何催化團隊的創新,以及思維的轉變如何釋放現有優勢。為了激勵我們做出大膽的決定,讓我們回顧一下這兩項創新戰略和為我們樹立榜樣的成功故事。1.外部人才可以激發你的團隊深思熟慮的風格。20世紀60年代福特和法拉利的競爭讓我們在團隊成長中所珍視的那種創新普及開來。這部電影根據一個英勇的真實故事改編,“記錄了該公司對設計、製造和駕駛一輛能夠在世界上最負盛名和最殘酷的勒芒24小時耐力賽上擊敗法拉利的汽車的瘋狂追求。”這種競爭是一個被證明的例子,團隊可以迭代和激勵,因為有風險的創新被快速和定期地展示出來。福特與法拉利之間的較量可能不是數字化轉型,而是一個關於品牌、持續創新和協作創新的故事。福特無法購買新品牌,也無法獨自改變品牌——他們不得不與卡羅爾·謝爾比(Carroll Shelby)和肯·邁爾斯(Ken Miles)車手合作。福特-謝爾比-邁爾斯(Ford-Shelby-Miles)團隊的狂熱承諾創造了持續的創新,以GT40實現轉型並取得勝利。 MORE FOR YOU Sourcing external talent shouldn’t seize the existing innovation energy of your internal teams but rather catalyze and inspire generative cooperation playful enough to result in new creations. When leadership empowers partnerships that uplift and mesh with existing talent, your company can create products and services bearing the particular curated style your customers recognize as unique and worth their ongoing attention. Trusted partnerships like these can enable the iterative risk-taking that resulted in the winning innovations at Ford. Instead of race-track testing, perhaps a hackathon or some other team-building, demonstrative exercise can create the team energy to create a time-shattering machine. More importantly, your people need to witness the innovations happening so that visceral excitement remains ignited. Iteration is consonant with continuous innovation. Rapid testing and a team’s capacity to stage (for itself) proof-of-concept are required to share the small but necessary steps enabling change. 2. A realignment can unbox existing strengths. With stocks outperforming Facebook, Amazon, Google and a host of other successful tech companies, Domino’s is a prime example of a company consistently innovating and enabling revenue increases. (Disclosure: Domino’s is a client of my company, Bounteous.) As a matter of fact, Domino’s stock would have earned you more than Google’s if you invested in their IPOs. Domino’s proves that innovation doesn’t require a new business model but a renewed imagination of what’s possible. The company creates and delivers pizzas, so how could it co-innovate with meal creation and delivery? The disruptive shift of their “Pizza Tracker” came about as a result of thinking about how to do things better rather than doing better things. Domino’s used the insights from the tracker to spark a continuous series of ordering enhancements, including more than 15 different ways to order a pizza. Now, more than 70% of Domino’s orders are processed digitally. Over time, the digital ordering experience has become synonymous with the Domino’s brand itself. (Remember what I noted above? Only your carefully curated team can create something new yet stamped with the style recognizable by customers as your own.) A pizza tracker is something of a dopamine generator for existing customers, rendering both the ordering and delivery processes even more satisfying for the human brain than they already were prior to its invention. Our brains experience pleasure when anticipating good outcomes—when we “taste” in advance through anticipatory imagination prior to actually having experiences. The unboxing of pizza in the mind literally speaks to human reward pathways. As Pavlovian as all this is, a closer look at existing data about ordering behavior brought about the unexpected delight of innovating for growth. A strategy of this kind is a less evident route to digital transformation. Rather than being overtly new, the innovations are realignments aimed at unlocking an organization’s existing strengths and a category’s latent potential. Business growth strategies are often impeded by common mistakes , but if we avoid them and look rather to those strategies with measurable results in digital transformation, our teams will continue to grow ahead of the pace of change.


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  • 創新戰略的總部在哪裏?

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