Resqunit Ab繼續為全球銷售基礎設施建設——宣布與Intermas集團分銷協議覆蓋70個國家星期二,2月14日,12:30 CET(中央東部東京)2023年斯德哥爾摩,2023年2月14日12:30 CET(中央東部東京)——Resqunit Ab(納斯達克第一北通用:RESQ),智能電子係統的領先供應商旨在減少漁具損失,今天宣布其全球擴張戰略的一個重要裏程碑與Intermas簽訂分銷協議的組。這種夥伴關係將會看到Resqunit產品銷往70多個國家。根據本協議,Intermas將作為Resqunit產品的獨家經銷商在西班牙和非排他性發行權在幾個關鍵市場在歐洲,非洲,亞洲和南美洲。擴展他們的獨家發行權在西班牙,Intermas必須履行一項修正案意向書購買至少價值200萬瑞典克朗的Resqunit產品在第一年。本協議的目的是建立一個健壯的和深遠的Resqunit技術在全球範圍內存在。首席執行官Helge Trettø奧爾森Resqunit,說道,“在Resqunit,我們感到自豪與Intermas集團合作的公司分享我們的激情創造創新,對環境負責的產品。通過與Intermas合作,我們的目標是鞏固Resqunit在這些地區的市場占有率,為將來進一步發展和擴張。這種夥伴關係將使我們接觸新客戶,提高品牌認知度,加強我們的創新技術的領先供應商的地位,這個行業。”Intermas, headquartered in Llinars del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain, is a world-leading producer and distributor of extruded plastic mesh, active in more than 70 countries across Asia, Europe, Africa and South America. "We are confident that this agreement will bring tremendous benefits to both companies and pave the way for a long and fruitful collaboration. This partnership will help strengthen our position as an innovative supplier in the fishing industry,” says Intermas business manager, Alex Roca, added. Koke Pursals, CEO of Intermas comments,"We are thrilled to be partnering with Resqunit, a company that shares our values of innovation and environmental responsibility.” The distribution agreement takes effect immediately. Certified Advisor About Resqunit AB Resqunit is an ocean technology company that develops innovative equipment to disarm and retrieve lost fishing gear. Through the collection of sensor data and software, the company wants to increase knowledge about the ocean and increase catch predictability. Every year, between 500 000 and 1 000 000 tons of fishing gear disappear at sea, including 25 million fishing pots. A significant part of this consists of plastic, which over time dissolves in microplastic particles and enters the food chain. Lost gear harms fisheries, animal populations and the environment. Resqunit AB (publ) was founded in 2021 as a parent company (listco) with 100% of the shares in the Norwegian subsidiary Resqunit AS, founded in 2017.
Intermas集團的總部位於朗達德Collsabadell, 11日,巴塞羅那。