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27/01/2023 - | 07:00組合技術,園藝專家自動化,使其進一步發展的重要一步,歡迎阿維頓Capital Partners作為新的投資者提供進一步成長資本,同時收購Gimv的股份。創始人繼續在他們當前的角色和投資在新的結構將使集團繼續其有機增長的旅程補充進一步buy-and-build倡議園藝自動化。2018年,Gimv通過智能產業平台的技術投資與創始人Alex類和理查德Vialle曾獲得兩個機器視覺公司。當時該公司餐飲為範圍廣泛的客戶和應用程序。伴隨著Gimv,戰略選擇結合集中收購導致一種進一步定位技術自動化專家亞博域。2021年,這種技術完成這個過程通過出售其活動在醫藥玻璃檢驗係統。從那一刻開始,這種技術能夠完全專注於創新自動化溫室園藝中,麵積和強勁增長司機圍繞一個更安全、可持續的食品供應鏈。技術是利用其在機器人技術,計算機視覺,數據和人工智能來擴大其SortiPack®產品家族。在埃因霍溫的SortiPack®開發關鍵Agribotics傘。通過Westland-based馬丁Stolze,集團內部物流解決方案提供了一個完整的組合。 Kind Technologies really is where Brainport meets Greenport. Avedon will supply Kind Technologies with growth capital to follow through with the ambition to automate the complete process from crop harvest to packed product. The group will also continue to further strengthen its position through buy-and-build. Nick Medaer, Partner within the Gimv Smart industries team says "We proudly look back at the journey together with Alex and Richard repositioning and building Kind Technologies to where it stands today, a leading innovator in the horticulture market. Alex and Richard have demonstrated that they are true entrepreneurs, believing in their dreams and going more than the extra mile to achieve them. We wish them and Avedon a fruitful partnership." Alex Kind and Richard Vialle, the Founders add "We are grateful for the support and trust gained from Gimv during the past five years and the pivot and progress we have made jointly. Kind Technologies is now well positioned to address the increasing demand for automation within the greenhouse horticulture market. We look forward to addressing this momentum together with Avedon in the next phase of growth and to contribute to a more safe and efficient process for growing plants, fruits and vegetables, with our cutting edge technology.” Emily Jeffries, Partner at Avedon shares: “We are honored and excited to support Alex, Richard and the strong teams at Crux and Martin Stolze on the promising growth journey ahead. Kind Technologies’ engineering talent, innovative culture and unmatched product and service portfolio give Kind a great position to accelerate their meaningful impact for growers worldwide.” The transaction has no significant impact on the Net Asset Value of Gimv as of 30 September 2022. Over the entire holding period Gimv realizes a return in excess of the long-term portfolio return target. No further financial details will be disclosed.
卡爾瑪E +是一個機械製造商。該公司提供定製的機器和工具自動化和食品行業。它成立於2006年,位於海爾倫荷蘭。