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關於living Media

“生活媒體”是一家專門為女性提供生活方式網站的互聯網出版商。living Media擁有並運營6家網站,包括livingingly、Mabel + Moxie、Lonny、It’s Rosy、StyleBistro和Zimbio。








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Company Profile是由StartupTalky發起的一項倡議,旨在發布關於不同初創公司和組織的經過驗證的信息。本帖內容已通過6sense審核。銷售和營銷都是每個企業的重要支柱,因為它們是產生收入的催化劑。市場營銷涉及在受眾中建立品牌知名度,而銷售則通過將潛在客戶轉化為實際客戶,將收視率轉化為利潤。然而,營銷和銷售團隊需要通過適當的數據和可見性來了解消費者行為。這是當感官進入畫麵時。該公司借助先進的技術幫助營收團隊獲取相關統計數據。在這篇文章中,了解6sense,它的業務,創始人,產品,創業故事,融資等等。6sense是一家總部位於舊金山的公司,致力於重塑B2B組織創建、管理並將管道轉化為收入的方式。它的收入AI消除了猜測,並為組織的收入團隊提供了創建高質量渠道並將其轉化為收入所需的重要數據和可見性。 Currently, Jason Zintak is the CEO and Viral Bajraj is the CTO of 6sense. The company is growing at a faster pace with 6 branches in the United States, the United Kingdom, and India. Moreover, it is ranked the 130 fastest-growing companies in North America on the Deloitte Technology Fast 500TM. 6sense - Founders and Team 6sense, Founders - Amanda Kahlow, Dustin Chang, Premal Shah, Shane Moriah, and Viral Bajaria Set up in 2013, 6sense was founded by Amanda Kahlow, Dustin Chang, Premal Shah, Shane Moriah, and Viral Bajaria. Amanda Kahlow Amanda Kahlov is a graduate of the University of Colorado Boulder and is the founder and ex-CEO of 6sense. Moreover, she founded CI Insight Inc. and held the role of CEO. Presently, she is working as the director at MAHA global and an advisor at Brit + Co. Dustin Chang Co-founder of 6sense, Dustin Change has graduated from the University of Washington. He has co-founded Grepdata and is working as CTO of Stealth Startup. Premal Shah Earned a degree in Computer Science from the University of Southern California, Premal Shah is co-founder of 6sense. Moreover, he has also co-founded GrepData and worked in Livingly Media for almost 7 years. Shane Moriah Co-founder of 6sense, Shane Moriah has graduated from Stanford University and has a degree in BS, Computer Science. He has co-founded 6sense and GrepData and is now, working as Chief Technology Officer in Settle. Viral Bajaria Viral Bajaria graduated from the University of Southern California with a degree in Computer Science before co-founding and working as CEO of 6sense. Talking about the company size, currently, it employs 1200 employees, ranging from data scientists and business leaders to engineers and mathematicians. 6sense - Startup Story 6sense was developed by Amanda Kahlow along with other co-founders in 2013 after consultation with Cisco- the technology company . It was launched as a tool for organizations running marketing and sales businesses by predicting the inclination of potential customers. In 2014, the company launched the world’s first B2B sales and marketing prediction intelligence platform. It achieved another milestone by receiving a patent for a machine learning method to predict the future of B2B sales and marketing in 2016. What is 6sense and how does it help sales teams? 6sense is an AI-driven revenue intelligence platform that helps sales and marketing teams to identify and engage with high-value accounts more effectively. How does 6sense use AI and machine learning to improve revenue generation? 6sense uses AI and machine learning to identify buying intent signals, providing real-time insights to sales teams for more effective engagement and improved revenue generation. What kind of businesses and industries can benefit from using 6sense? B2B businesses with longer sales cycles, high-value products/services, and complex sales teams can benefit from using 6sense's revenue intelligence platform. Must have tools for startups - Recommended by StartupTalky Convert Visitors into Leads- SeizeLead


  • living Media是什麼時候成立的?

    living Media成立於2005年。

  • living Media的總部在哪裏?

    living Media總部位於紅木城紅木海岸公園路201號。

  • Livingly Media的最新一輪融資是什麼?

    Livingly Media的最新一輪融資是Loan。

  • living Media籌集了多少資金?

    liveingly Media總共籌集了1638萬美元。

  • 生活傳媒的投資人是誰?

    liveingly Media的投資者包括Paycheck Protection Program、AuFeminin、Menlo Ventures、Sand Hill Angels、Draper Associates等7家公司。


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