5天改變今天下午04:11分享波士頓,7月18日,2023 Longroad從能源[Longroad],基於美國的可再生能源開發,所有者和經營者,和黑石礦產,石油醚(NYSE: BSM)(“黑石礦物,”“黑石頭”),今天宣布一個多年的事務,促進可再生能源的發展。條款提供Longroad獨占訪問數千黑石英畝在12個州大型太陽能發展潛力,同時保留黑石共同開發礦產和地下權利的能力。這是一個開創性的協議,首次對黑石和Longroad。這是一個開創性的協議,首次對黑石和Longroad。“我們很高興與Longroad擴大我們的關係,與礦產交易始於波爾克縣天衛二太陽能項目的一部分,德克薩斯州,”福勒卡特說,導演黑石礦物的新企業。“Longroad團隊製定了雄心勃勃的目標表麵致力於開發可再生能源項目的權利,這一戰略是我們控股的補充。這種獨特的事務讓黑石來優化我們的資產,讓我們暴露在有吸引力的太陽能市場,同時保護我們的潛在的采礦權。”"As Longroad continues to scale our development efforts, this arrangement with Black Stone provides a dual avenue to rapidly expand our portfolio and reduce execution risk," said Adam Horwitz, VP of Origination and Development at Longroad Energy. "The certainty and structure afforded by this agreement will allow Longroad and Black Stone to transact efficiently and repeatedly. We look forward to working closely with the Black Stone team to deliver a new renewable energy value stream to their existing portfolio." The agreement applies to regions where Longroad has a proven track of solar development as well as new areas the company has targeted for expansion. About Black Stone Minerals, L.P. Black Stone Minerals is one of the largest owners of oil and natural gas mineral interests in the United States. The Company owns mineral interests and royalty interests in 41 states in the continental United States. Black Stone believes its large, diversified asset base and long-lived, non-cost-bearing mineral and royalty interests provide for stable to growing production and reserves over time, allowing the majority of generated cash flow to be distributed to unitholders. About Longroad Energy Holdings, LLC Founded in 2016, Longroad Energy Holdings, LLC is focused on renewable energy project development, operating assets, and services. Longroad has developed or acquired 4.3 GW of renewable energy projects across the United States and has raised $10 billion of equity, debt, and tax equity to support completion of its portfolio. Today, Longroad owns over 2.4 GW of wind, solar, and storage projects, which are operating or under construction, and operates and manages a total of 4.0 GW on behalf of Longroad and third parties. Longroad is owned by the NZ Superannuation Fund, Infratil Limited, MEAG MUNICH ERGO Asset Management, and Longroad Energy Partners, LLC. Web: www.longroadenergy.com
Unattributed Longroad能源的最新一輪融資。
Longroad能源的投資者包括新西蘭超級基金,Infratil MEAG。