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周四,2018年3月29日- 05:45 Edale老年護理中心,馬頓,將從4月1日起成為共濟會村莊信托的一部分。該信托是一個慈善機構,在北島南部從塔拉納基到下赫特的城鎮和郊區經營養老院、醫院和退休社區。馬頓·埃代爾信托委員會主席達德利·布朗說,他對兩個信托委員會之間的談判結果感到高興。“Edale現在將成為一個有彈性的慈善業務的一部分,在這個業務中,管理費用、專業知識和資本資源將在各個設施和地區共享。這意味著Edale不僅將繼續為Rangitikei的居民服務,而且還將有財政資源來升級和擴大其設施,以滿足未來的需求。”Edale是Rangitikei唯一的老年護理提供者,一直依靠當地社區的捐款來維持生計。“我代表Edale董事會,感謝那些貢獻時間和金錢的個人、企業、服務機構和教會。我們非常感激,”布朗說。“你們和我們支持董事會並為居民提供出色照顧的工作人員一起,為社區確保了Edale的未來。我們非常有信心,Edale現在得到了很好的照顧,並祝願它未來一切順利。” Masonic Villages Trust chief executive Warick Dunn says the Masonic and Edale Trusts have very similar philosophies, so he expects the merger to go smoothly. "There will few visible changes in the short-term, apart from a new company name on official stationery. The name of the village itself will eventually change from the Edale Aged Care Centre to the Edale Masonic Village, as signs and the like come up for replacement. "Each of our villages has a distinctive character that reflects the interests and needs of its residents, so the existing Edale culture will continue for as long as this has the support of residents, staff and the local community." With the addition of Edale’s 30 rest home beds, 16 rental flats and nine 2-bedroom retirement villas, The Masonic Villages Trust will offer a total of 257 care beds and 459 retirement villas and apartments in the southern North Island. "In the context of the whole aged care sector we are a relatively small player, but we believe we perform an important social role. We provide homes and care to older people with a wide range of interests, lifestyles and budgets in villages that tend to be smaller than those operated by the large commercial providers," Dunn says. "Also, some of our villages are located in suburbs and provincial towns where it is uneconomic for commercial providers to operate. This allows residents to retire near to where they have lived their lives, close to friends and family."
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