為自閉症兒童和青少年行為的遠程醫療服務,多動症或精神健康狀況開始我們推出在紐約國家新聞分享這篇文章分享這篇文章提供的紐約,2月22日,2022年Meliora從健康、telehealth-based行為健康公司關注心理健康,自閉症,和注意缺陷多動障礙(ADHD)條件的兒童和年輕人年齡3 - 25日,今天推出了在線臨床服務,在美國推出的患者居住在紐約州。信貸:Meliora健康。“任何兒童或少年需要行為健康服務應該能夠訪問非常小心沒有等待和護理經驗也必須參與,配合周圍環境和涉及到的家人最佳的結果,”富安德魯斯說,創始人兼首席執行官Meliora健康。“結合技術、數據和臨床科學主要臨床專家,我們重行為健康護理經驗。我非常興奮,我們現在能夠帶給我們世界領先的數字診所從我們的經驗在英國虛擬醫療服務的先鋒。”Meliora健康is the American counterpart to Healios , which has conducted more than 100,000 online sessions and received more than 27,000 referrals from National Health Service (NHS) providers in the United Kingdom, to become the UK's largest specialist behavioral health service for children and teens. "Autism, ADHD, and mental health conditions such as anxiety, eating disorders, and depression affect different children and teens in different ways. Our services are delivered in a highly personalized way for the best possible experience and outcome," said Dr. Melinda Rees, Chief Clinical Officer at Healios. "In utilizing telehealth, we can tackle global inequalities in healthcare provision that affect over one billion people worldwide living with mental health challenges and neurodiverse conditions. " Appointments are delivered via Panacea, the company's in-house online clinical platform specifically designed to engage children and teens from three years and older. The platform has video-calling capabilities as well as specially designed interactive clinical tools to make it fun and engaging for the child or teen within each session. Family members are also able to join the sessions remotely, even from different locations, to ensure a family-based experience is made possible for better clinical outcomes. The patient is assigned a clinician who is part of a diverse team of mental health experts, including licensed therapists, psychologists, and behavioral health specialists. Depending on their initial presenting needs, they will begin with one of two types of specialist assessment; a mental health assessment to determine challenges such as anxiety, depression, or an eating disorder, or a neurodevelopmental assessment to determine autism or ADHD. Either assessment may lead to a formal diagnosis and Meliora's care team will then create a personalized treatment plan. For mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression, this may include recommending a course of therapy session such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) which can also be provided by Meliora's extensive clinical care team. CEO and founder Rich Andrews created Healios in the UK after seeing his friends and family struggle to get support for their mental health needs. After accompanying NHS clinicians on their visits to the homes of people impacted by severe mental health challenges, he recognized that by including a person's support network in the care process they are often better able to achieve long-term results. Inspired by this insight, Healios was launched in 2013 and has since become a leading provider of digital behavioral health services that believes in a family-based approach for best outcomes. "Our goal is to expand nationwide from New York state to enable many more children and teens to benefit from our range of specialist clinical services from assessment and diagnosis through to therapy," said Andrews. For more information visit or . LINK TO PHOTOS and LOGO, Credit Meliora Health: About Meliora Health and Healios From the Latin, meaning "better," Meliora is a specialist digital behavioral health company focused on improving long-term mental health and quality of life for children and teenagers in the US. Meliora is the US subsidiary of UK-based parent company Healios. Healios has become the UK's largest specialist provider of behavioral health services for children and teens. SOURCE Meliora Health