地平線媒體命名提供讚助2023年O4U數字鑲嵌和轉換程序新聞分享這篇文章提供的地平線媒體讚助支持高實現LGBTQ2 +黑色,LatinX / E、原生和TGNCNB本科生達到他們的潛能種族和性別平等是全世界的嚴重挑戰。企業領導人想要招募和留住表現最高的員工將繼續創建歡迎和歸屬感。O4U執行董事博士”——辛迪愛紐約,紐約,美國7月19日2023 / EINPresswire.com——本科(O4U)數字會議與地平線合作媒體高興地宣布地平線作為O4U馬賽克項目展示讚助商為種族平等和O4U就職變換性別平等計劃舉行9月8 - 10,2023年在紐約。辛迪愛,O4U執行主任說,“我們是如此的興奮與地平線合作召開馬賽克和變換在其紐約總部。O4U董事會授權創建馬賽克幾年前反種族主義的戰略計劃的一部分。現在我們有推出變換,因為它從來沒有更重要的是去理解和解決所麵臨的獨特挑戰變性和性別一致(TGNC)學生,提高了人們對支持可以在校外,和資源優先考慮公平的健康和幸福,擁抱他們的背景,身份,和經驗。我們的使命是幫助實現高LGBTQ2 +大學生充分發揮他們的潛力。變換是一個精心策劃經驗TGNCNB學生,鼓勵他們在實現聲音和機構,自信和真實性,所有職業準備的上下文中工作在世界上最大的公司。“O4U是由200多家領先的公司,參與O4U會議作為導師,招聘人員和教育工作者。高盛O4U業務和摩根大通的主人是主機O4U數字。馬賽克和轉換種族和性別平等項目召開的主要會議提前一天編程和O4U所有的讚助企業邀請投資呈現或召開讚助。 All student costs for attendance including travel, lodging and meals are paid for by O4U. Latraviette Smith-Wilson, EVP & Chief Marketing & Equity Officer, Horizon Media said: “With DEI at the core of Horizon’s culture and business, we are continually focused on addressing our industry’s most pressing issues by developing new inclusive approaches, initiatives, and tools that bring game-changing impact, Hosting O4U Digital’s inaugural TRANSFORM program is in direct alignment with our purpose to ensure that belonging in the workplace is prioritized now and for future generations. We welcome opportunities to build connections between students and industry professionals that reflect our commitment to lifelong learning and diversity – a win-win partnership for all.” Love continued, “Together, O4U and Horizon create a community of greater safety, support and empowerment that encourages and inspires these high achieving students, strengthens them and has a lasting impact on not only the participants, but also any company that strives to find the best and brightest talent for their brand. Racial and gender equity are severely challenged throughout the world right now but corporate leaders who want to recruit and retain the highest performing employees will continue to create welcome and belonging. We celebrate and are so grateful for Horizon’s commitment and the work environment that they work so hard to create for their employees and the wonderfully including space they offer our students.” O4U was founded in 2004 at Cornell by two LGBTQ2+ identifying students. Each year, O4U convenes three conferences for high achieving LGBTQ2+ and otherwise diverse undergraduates. The conference curriculum centers on authenticity, sense of belonging and inclusion, intersectionality, what matters most in life and work and career development. There are more than 8,000 graduates of O4U conferences. Horizon Media is the largest privately held media services agency in the world, managing over $9 billion in client investments, with 2,300 people and offices in New York, Los Angeles and Toronto. Additionally, Horizon is a member of Local Planet, a collective of the leading independent media services agencies around the world. Dr. Cindi Love
Anaplan (NYSE:計劃)是一個基於雲的業務計劃和績效管理平台。它是基於一個中心,業務用戶可以創建和使用模型。它允許用戶現場表演提供背景和預測未來結果使用其專有的超級塊技術。公司成立於2006年,總部設在舊金山,加利福尼亞。
自適應的見解提供software-as-a-service-based (SaaS)自適應規劃解決方案。提供的解決方案包括基於雲計算的收入計劃、預算和預測現金流預測軟件,銷售計劃,資產負債表預測軟件。自適應的見解是原名自適應計劃。它成立於2003年,位於帕洛阿爾托,加州。2018年6月,自適應的見解被工作日收購。