納米磁性儀器於1998年在英國牛津成立。該公司最初的目標是生產用於室溫應用的掃描霍爾探針顯微鏡(SHPM)。高分辨率霍爾探針的定量和非侵入性磁成像能力是許多科學技術應用所需要的。這些指導我們將公司的第一個產品,室溫掃描霍爾探針顯微鏡(RT-SHPM)推向市場。凝聚態物理基礎研究的另一個要求是霍爾探針的低溫磁成像應用,如超導、量子霍爾效應等。公司設計低溫掃描霍爾探針顯微鏡(LT-SHPM)。該公司的設計非常靈活,與許多低溫恒溫器,He3係統,稀釋冰箱係統兼容。這種靈活性使我們能夠操作該公司的LT-SHPM用於毫開爾文應用,解決許多高溫低溫物理問題。n最近,掃描隧道顯微鏡(STM)和自傳感AFM技術,如石英晶體音叉和秋山傳感器選項都添加了LT和RT SPMs。n 2002年,該公司簽署了一項記錄,並生產了世界上已知的最小霍爾傳感器,50納米。在室溫條件下,具有幾個mG/u221aHz範圍的極端磁場分辨率的霍爾傳感器仍然是前所未有的空間分辨率限製。 The filed resolution is much better for LHe temperatures: 6nT /u221aHz.n However, basic researches and industry still requires higher spatial resolutions. Needs determines the inventions and improvements. At this point, the company have presented the company's new product Low Temperature Magnetic Force Microscope (LT-MFM) for high resolution magnetic imaging, in 2007. The company's MFM depends on fiber interferometer detection technique with alignment free cantilevers. All AFM modes are available for low temperature ranges between 300K and 300mK like, EFM, Scanning Spreading Resistance, etc.n Today, the company are their powerful SPM solution partner in nanoscience and technology with the company's broad product range all around the world. Use this power!
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到2024年,原子力顯微鏡的全球市場預計將達到5.86億美元,從2019年到2024年的複合年增長率為5.8%。本研究報告根據提供、等級、應用和地理對全球計算攝影進行了分類。該報告描述了與原子力顯微鏡市場有關的主要驅動因素、限製因素、挑戰和機遇,並預測到2024年。原子力顯微鏡的主要驅動力之一是幾個政府對促進納米技術和納米科學研究與開發的承諾支持。此外,半導體和電子行業對3D ic的高需求預計將在預測期內為原子力顯微鏡市場提供新的增長機會。原子力顯微鏡市場的主要參與者是Bruker(美國)、Park Systems(韓國)、日立(日本)、Horiba(日本)、牛津儀器(英國)、Nanosurf(瑞士)、WITec(德國)、NT-MDT(俄羅斯)、納米磁性儀器(英國)、納米成像(以色列)。探針市場預計將在2019年至2024年間以最高的CAGR增長。探針在AFM市場中占據主導地位,從數量上來說,探針的生命周期比全原子力顯微鏡短,因此對探針的要求比AFM更高。工業級afm預計在2019年至2024年期間將以顯著的速度增長。高質量的圖像對微型化產品缺陷檢測具有重要意義。 Hence, industrial-grade AFM are more in demand owing to their high precision in detecting and visualizing even the smallest surface structures and defects in nanomaterials. Semiconductors and electronics market to offer a lucrative opportunity for atomic force microscopy applications Semiconductors and electronics are expected to grow at the highest rate. The semiconductor industry is one of the major industries using advanced microscopes such as transmission electron microscopes, atomic force microscopes, 3D optical microscopes, and confocal microscopes. AFM is used extensively in the semiconductor industry for R&D, quality control (QC), monitoring process development, and failure analysis. The growing demand for miniature transistor chips, nanoelectronics, quantum dots, and optoelectronics is the key factor surging the demand for microscopes in the semiconductor industry. APAC continues to grow significantly for the atomic force microscopy market APAC atomic force microscopy market is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period. The growth of the atomic force microscopy market can be attributed to the growing R&D funding for the development of microscopes, increasing nanotechnology research, and growing expertise and academic excellence, along with the availability of nanomaterials at lower costs. Key Topics Covered 9.2.2 Canada 9.2.3 Mexico Rising Number of R&D Activities in Nanotechnology are Likely to Enable Mexico to Be the Fastest-Growing Market in North America 9.3 Europe 9.3.1 Germany Germany Expected to Continue to Hold Largest Size of European Market Owing to Growing Investments in Automobile Industry and Nanotechnology 9.3.2 UK Increase in R&D Investments in Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, and Life Sciences are Expected to Surge Demand for AFM in UK 9.3.3 France Announcement of 3 Times Increase in Investment in Biotechnology By French Government Would Boost Atomic Force Market Growth in France 9.3.4 Spain High Expenditure of Spanish Government on R&D Pertaining to Life Sciences and Nanotechnology to Increase Demand for AFM 9.3.5 Italy Nation's Participation in Mission Innovation Would Result in Development of Cutting-Edge Technologies, Thereby Augmenting Growth of Market 9.3.6 Netherlands 9.3.7 Russia 9.3.8 Switzerland 9.3.9 Rest of Europe
納米磁性儀器的競爭對手包括iScience interferonal, Caliber Imaging & Diagnostics, DIRAmed, Wioptix, Alsius Corporation等11家公司。
Kjaya是一家獲得SBIR第一階段資助的公司,該項目名為:醫學圖像的半自主自適應神經和遺傳分割。他們的第一階段項目將實現一個醫生輔助的實時自適應係統,用於在3D醫學圖像數據中分割解剖結構。醫學圖像分割旨在改變解剖結構的表示,使其更容易分析。由於這些結構在生物係統中的極端可變性,目前使用的特殊手工方法繁瑣、耗時且容易出錯。圖像分割通常不能通過編程來解決。所提出的係統是使用並行圖形處理器(GPU)對單個數據進行基於神經網絡(NN)的自適應,並結合基於遺傳算法(GA)的跨GPU內核的自適應。該係統將在幾秒鍾內根據醫生使用計算機斷層掃描(CT)或磁共振成像(MRI)掃描勾勒出的感興趣區域,對解剖特征進行有用的診斷分割。快速增長的醫學影像壓倒現有的診斷人員。一個直觀和廉價的係統,快速和準確地提供診斷相關的醫學圖像分割提供了巨大的商業價值。目前,每次掃描需要大約50分鍾的手工準備。 The diagnosis and treatment of an estimated 20 percent of diseases benefit from medical imaging. Newer scanning technologies have increased in resolution, but such techniques have not made segmenting easier or faster. The proposed method will enable more diagnostics to be done with the quality controlled directly by physicians.
Median Technologies提供影像解決方案和服務,以促進每個人的醫療保健。該公司利用成像表型組學的力量,為新的療法和治療策略提供洞察。
Truthtek是一家從曼徹斯特城市大學(Manchester Metropolitan University)剝離出來的公司,擁有一套軟件,用於分析結構化麵試視頻流中的非語言行為。該技術將最新的非語言交流心理學研究與領先的圖像識別和分析軟件相結合。潛在的應用包括測謊,該技術是非侵入性的,在初步試驗中顯示準確率為85%。MTF為該公司提供了初始種子資本,使其能夠發展其商業和市場進入戰略。
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