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10月是網絡安全宣傳月,這是由國家網絡安全聯盟和網絡安全與基礎設施局(CISA)共同領導的一項倡議,旨在增加對國內和國際網絡安全的關注。隨著網絡攻擊越來越複雜和頻繁,VMware重視與聯邦政府的長期戰略合作夥伴關係,並自豪地成為2022年網絡安全宣傳月冠軍。“網絡安全宣傳月揭示了為什麼強有力的公私部門合作對於改善更廣泛的安全生態係統和保衛網絡空間至關重要。作為CISA聯合網絡防禦協作(JCDC)的創始成員,VMware積極與全球工業和公共部門組織網絡保持一致,致力於幫助打擊網絡攻擊,保護關鍵基礎設施,並建立彈性。網絡安全是共同的責任。”Alex Tosheff, VMware首席安全官建立和維護信任的重要性不斷變化的企業環境要求組織調整其安全策略,以保護利益相關者的數據,實現合規性,並有效地防禦威脅我們數字世界的網絡攻擊。VMware正在幫助企業描繪一個更安全的未來,並在任何雲、任何設備上的任何應用程序上建立信任。VMware首席隱私官Stuart Lee表示:“網絡安全現在是我們日常生活的一部分,在日常新聞中聽到與網絡相關的事件已經不再罕見。”“擁有堅實的網絡安全基礎意味著組織可以導航和管理全球隱私要求的合規標準。這是與客戶、合作夥伴和員工建立和維持信任的核心。” Closing the Cybersecurity Skills Gap Think of cybersecurity as being comprised of three pillars: people, process, and technology. Although technology is the tool and process is the enabler, cybersecurity is ultimately all about the people. In the spirit of this year's Cybersecurity Awareness Month theme - "See Yourself in Cyber" - we will spend this month highlighting our people and showcasing their paths that led to careers in cybersecurity. Follow along on the VMware Security blog throughout the month to learn more about the career paths of VMware defenders as well as advice for anyone looking to break into the industry. As Karen Worstell, senior cybersecurity strategist at VMware, notes, "Security touches everything, and a career in the field is incredibly rewarding and impactful. What the security industry needs is people with a strong sense of service and a desire to make a difference." And there is a desperate need. The global cybersecurity workforce is facing a skills gap of 3.5 million workers and is only 25% women, according to Cybersecurity Ventures. 1 As a force for good across the technology industry, VMware is empowering the next generation of women leaders through projects such as VMinclusion Taara , VMware Achieve Scholarships , and partnerships with organizations such as I WISH . By investing in programs to expand the community of female and diverse talent in technology, VMware is committed to helping more women see themselves in cyber. People who are mavericks, those who look at things differently and have a natural curiosity to make the world a better place, make the best defenders." Karen Worstell, Senior Cybersecurity Strategist, VMware In celebration of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, tune into Ask the Howlers on October 20 where host Karen Worstell will be joined live by Lynn Dohm, Executive Director at Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS), to discuss how we can grow and diversify the cybersecurity workforce. To join in on the conversation via social, use the hashtags #SeeYourselfInCyber and #CyberMonth, and don't forget to tag @VMware , @vmw_carbonblack and @vmwarensx . Sources World Economic Forum, "Empowering women can help fix the cybersecurity staff shortage," Sept. 9, 2022. This article may contain hyperlinks to non-VMware websites that are created and maintained by third parties who are solely responsible for the content on such websites. Attachments
國家網絡安全聯盟的總部位於華盛頓佛蒙特大道NW 1010號。
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