
Ngoc Nghia





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關於Ngoc Nghia

Ngoc Nghia瓶子是塑料包裝公司專業從事吹塑,注塑,帽壓縮成型。公司成立於1993年,總部位於胡誌明市。2022年1月11日,Ngoc Nghia被Indorama收購企業。交易條款沒有披露。


27個NguyễnƯDĩstr ThảoĐiền公關,2區



16 + 84 28 1186

缺失:Ngoc Nghia產品演示和案例研究



缺失:Ngoc Nghia產品&微分器


最新的Ngoc Nghia新聞



泰國Indorama企業公共有限公司(IVL)已完成收購Ngoc Nghia行業-服務貿易股份公司(NN),越南領先的寵物包裝公司之一。此次收購將提高IVL的市場地位,繼續擴大其綜合提供的寵物產品主要跨國客戶在整個地區。IVL購買97.8%的Ngoc Nghia總支付約30.96億泰銖。Ngoc Nghia供應寵物,預先形成和閉包,並與全球主要的長期合作關係和越南品牌飲料和non-beverage產業。它有四個生產設施在越南的北部和南部的寵物預先形成的總生產能力55億輛,瓶子,和閉包,共計76000噸每年寵物轉換。IVL可持續的業務增長計劃來更好地服務客戶在越南,一個高增長的新市場,以及IVL的主要寵物包裝整個地區的客戶包括全球家喻戶曉的飲料品牌。Ngoc Nghia的家族企業的根基,由其創始人了30多年,是積分IVL決定投資該公司作為戰略匹配。現有團隊的廣泛的當地市場知識的領導將進一步增強IVL的寵物包裝業務單元,把當地的一個強大的組合,區域和全球市場專業知識。首席執行官DK Agarwal IVL,說:“我們很高興在越南開始我們的旅程,這是一個高增長的市場。這次收購是我們長期戰略互補的擴展我們的全球足跡和彈性業務平台。 With long-standing experience in the integrated PET business, IVL will bring more competitive advantages to NN. The development will also enable us to better serve our large regional customers, many of which are major household brands who depends on a reliable, consistent supply of PET packaging products across the region.” “NN is a market leader in PET, preforms and closures in Vietnam, where we can increase our focus on customers in the ASEAN regional champion market, offering a full range of PET packaging solutions with enhanced operational excellence. This includes potential to expand our world-leading recycled PET (rPET) business into Vietnam. As a family business, it is a very good fit for IVL, and adds a new domestic market to our growing business,” said Sunil Marwah, business head for IVL’s packaging vertical. In other news, Viva Energy Group has agreed to acquire LyondellBasell Australia (LBA), a Geelong-based national polymer manufacturer and distributor which has its production facility located inside the footprint of Geelong Refinery. The transaction is for 100% of LBA through a share sale. Terms were not disclosed. LBA is the country’s only polypropylene manufacturer, supplying the Australian and New Zealand market with raw material for the production of diverse plastic products ranging from food packaging and medical equipment to polymer bank notes, and serving more than 60 customers across Australia, New Zealand, Asia, India, the Middle East and North America. The business is strongly complementary to Viva Energy’s refining operations, with the refinery’s propylene production utilised as the feedstock in LBA’s existing manufacturing operations. LBA has a strong market position, manufacturing and importing a range of polymers with both broad market use and specialist applications. The acquisition broadens the scope of Viva Energy’s manufacturing capability, and further diversifies its product mix and marketing opportunities. LBA employs approximately 100 people across manufacturing, supply chain and marketing operations, and the production facility at Geelong plays an important role in the optimisation of the Geelong refinery. Viva Energy CEO Scott Wyatt said, “This acquisition is another step in the development of our Geelong Energy Hub and the further diversification of our commercial and industrial businesses. This facility and its manufacturing capability are vital to the economies of Victoria and Australia, and can have important roles to play in Australia’s circular economy through the recycling of plastics. The acquisition of this business opens the door for innovation and the development of new business opportunities.” (PRA)

Ngoc Nghia常見問題(FAQ)

  • Ngoc Nghia是何時成立的?

    Ngoc Nghia成立於1993年。

  • Ngoc Nghia總部在哪裏?

    Ngoc Nghia總部位於27個NguyễnƯDĩstr,胡誌明市。

  • Ngoc Nghia的最新一輪融資是什麼?

    Ngoc Nghia的最新一輪融資收購。

  • Ngoc Nghia籌集了多少錢?

    Ngoc Nghia籌集了總計21.4美元。

  • Ngoc Nghia的投資者是誰?

    投資者Ngoc Nghia包括Indorama企業和VinaCapital。




