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μ介子,inc .)是一個巴達維亞,基於公司收到了格蘭特(s)從美國能源部SBIR / STTR計劃。這些格蘭特的文摘(s)獎(s)也提供了,因為他們提供洞察μ介子,Inc .)業務和領域的專業知識。這個項目將開發過程加速μ介子上天射頻腔創建小,強烈的光束,以提高它們的效用對於許多應用程序從國土安全能源前沿子對撞機。這個項目將提供光學光纖傳感器來監測和保護超導磁體用於聚變反應堆,粒子加速器和磁共振成像。該項目將開發一種技術,使用高壓氣體研究射頻腔的擊穿機製所需的粒子加速器。一個成功的結果將提供降低成本和性能改進許多加速器項目,包括國際直線對撞機。該項目將開發一個加速技術未來的工廠和μ子中微子對撞機利用高梯度射頻腔,正在開發國際直線對撞機。這個項目將開發射頻識別材料選擇windows幫助飼料能量到超導加速結構。這些材料選項會增加窗口功率處理能力和機械強度在現有設計。該項目將開發一個新係統的超導磁體收縮一束μ介子的大小在所有維度調查自然能源前沿基本水平和其他科學和商業應用。 New beam cooling techniques will be applied to create an intense beam of low-energy muons that will stop in a small volume for particle physics experiments of exquisite sensitivity, muon spin resonance studies, and muon-catalyzed fusion. Ceramics with specific changes in resistivity throughout their volume will be developed and manufactured to improve very high voltage gradients in DC guns used for accelerator research and industrial applications. A device to produce H- ions, which are each made up of a proton and two electrons, is being developed to enable higher intensity beams with better reliability and improved efficiency for many powerful particle accelerators used in science, industry, and homeland defense. Co-axial window technology is being improved with new materials and techniques in order to transfer RF power from sources to RF cavities at very high levels to satisfy the demands of intense light sources used for science and industry. Superconducting RF cavity systems will be improved by developing better designs and materials for the absorption of unwanted higher order mode (HOM) frequencies that lead to beam instabilities in synchrotron light sources. High-temperature superconducting wire is being developed to operate at low temperature for extremely high field magnets for particle accelerators and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Beams of muons would have many commercial and scientific uses if the disadvantage of their short lifetime can be overcome. New ways to collect large numbers of muons and to form them rapidly into bright beams are being developed for many applications, including a muon collider at the energy frontier. Highly efficient and inexpensive magnetrons, such as those used in kitchen microwave ovens, are being developed to provide the lowest cost microwave sources for a number of diverse applications, including particle accelerators, phased array radars, and sputtering systems. A new system of superconducting magnets is being developed to shrink the size of a beam of muons in all dimensions. The bright muon beams that will emerge from these magnets will enable new ways to investigate nature at fundamental levels at the energy frontier. New beam cooling techniques are being applied to create an intense beam of low-energy muons that will stop in a small volume in order to do particle physics experiments of exquisite sensitivity. Such stopping beams will also aid the development of applications such as muon spin resonance and muon-catalyzed fusion. Innovative accelerating structures are being developed for fixed-field alternating gradient synchrotrons to provide high intensity beams of ions, protons, muons, and electrons for basic research and for cancer therapy.


ω乘以,inc .)是一種新的,基於CT公司收到了格蘭特(s)從美國能源部SBIR / STTR計劃。這些格蘭特的文摘(s)獎(s)以及因為他們提供的見解提供ω乘以,Inc .)業務和領域的專業知識。該項目將開發一個rapidly-adjustable,陰極提高質子束質量使用一個電子透鏡。這種陰極將真空管申請用於通訊和雷達,在民用和軍用係統。這個項目將開發大功率微波開關允許測試結構來維持高電場沒有破裂,從而使操作在更高的能量,也與改善臨床加速器開放商業應用。強烈的質子束流可用於處置廢物從核反應堆乏燃料棒,和其他應用程序。這個項目是為一個緊湊的加速器探索一個新的概念生成質子束。基本的實驗室研究需要了解高領域限製的候選結構未來的負擔得起的粒子加速器。本項目旨在建立一個新的微波源為此用最小的投資新技術。這個項目將開發大功率多波束極超短波,應該為未來的正負電子對撞機更低的成本和複雜性,並開放商業應用和改善臨床加速器和工業處理器。 Progress in elementary particle high-energy physics depends on the evolution of technology to enable future machines to operate at higher energies than can be reached at present. The high-power multi-beam klystrons to be developed should lower cost and complexity for a future electron-positron collider. Progress in elementary particle high-energy physics depends on the evolution of technology to enable future machines to operate at higher energies than can be reached at present. This project will develop high-gradient cavities to allow structures to sustain higher electric fields without breakdown, thus enabling operation at higher energy, and also opening up commercial applications with improved clinical accelerators. Progress in elementary particle high-energy physics depends on the evolution of technology to enable future machines to operate at higher energies than can be reached at present. The high-gradient cavities to be developed in this project are to allow structures to sustain higher electric fields without breakdown, thus enabling operation at higher energy, and also opening up commercial applications with improved clinical accelerators. This project will develop high-gradient cavities to allow structures to sustain higher electric fields without breakdown, thus enabling operation at higher energy, and also opening up commercial applications with improved clinical accelerators. Progress in nuclear physics and elementary particle high-energy physics depends on the evolution of technology to enable future machines to operate at higher particle fluxes and higher energies than can be reached at present. The fast ferroelectric tuners to be developed in this project are to allow accelerator cavities to sustain high accelerating fields despite uncontrolled mechanical vibrations that would otherwise detune the cavities and degrade the accelerator performance. To maintain a leading role in physics for U.S. scientists and laboratories, basic research on fundamental origins of mass are needed. The proposed project is to develop a fast tuner to maintain needed synchronism in the planned accelerator upgrade to increase the brightness of the heavy ion beam in RHIC. Intense proton beams can be used for disposal of waste from nuclear reactor spent fuel rods, and other applications. This project is to explore a new concept for a compact accelerator to generate the proton beam. To maintain a leading role in high-energy physics for U.S. scientists and laboratories, basic research on means of building powerful particle accelerators is needed. The proposed project is to develop a high-power microwave source needed for fundamental studies to understand how to achieve strong acceleration, and thus make possible future design of a multi-teravolt electron-positron collider.


基於粒子加速器公司是一個,公司收到了格蘭特(s)從美國能源部SBIR / STTR計劃。這些格蘭特的文摘(s)獎(s)以及因為他們提供的見解提供粒子加速器公司的業務和領域的專業知識。該項目將開發一個可行的質子和light-ion加速器研究和商業用途而消除一些最明顯的技術困難,所需費用,維護和專業知識麵對傳統加速器。質子和light-ion加速器有許多研究和醫學應用,提供最有效的治療方法之一,對於許多類型的癌症。廣泛的發展,高度精確的加速器模型與強大的優化工具和用戶友好的界麵增強不僅熟知的項目也將受益和未來的應用程序加速器建立在科學、技術和醫學從治療癌症,放射性藥物和醫學同位素生產二級生產梁材料科學與基礎研究核物理。


適時研究公司是牧場CA帕洛斯弗迪斯基於公司獲得一筆贈款(s)從美國能源部SBIR / STTR計劃。抽象(s)為這些格蘭特獎(s)以及因為他們提供的見解提供適時研究Inc .)業務和領域的專業知識。該項目將開發一個極化電子源,提供了一個高質量的梁在降低成本。源開發將有利於核物理社區和國際直線對撞機(ILC)。該項目將開發一個電壓下垂補償計劃,將提供一個簡單、可靠和成本有效的方法允許高壓馬克思調製器產生一個航空母艦電壓脈衝作為ILC中指定的項目。其他加速器設施需要長脈衝調節器也將受益於這個項目的結果。填補缺口的電磁頻譜之間的微波/毫米波和紅外區域,該項目將開發一個新的,緊湊的太赫茲源基於光電子直線加速器來滿足高需求在廣泛應用生物學、超導、化學、物理、環境監測、衛星通信和國土安全。該項目將開發一個流體控製,可調射頻耦合器正常進行和超導射頻蛀牙。這是一個重要的創新領域的射頻加速器和電源。這個項目旨在開發一個新的、緊湊,為無數應用太赫茲輻射源。 The commercial goal is to deliver an effective tool for smaller labs and businesses in biology, solid-state physics, superconductivity, environment monitoring, homeland security, defense, communication, and medicine.


Innovare公司洗澡,基於PA公司收到了格蘭特(s)從美國能源部SBIR / STTR計劃。這些格蘭特的文摘(s)獎(s)也提供了,因為他們提供洞察Innovare, Inc .)業務和領域的專業知識。這個項目將開發線製造設備先進的超導線的下一代強大的磁鐵用於高能物理和聚變能。


AMAC國際集團是一家弗吉尼亞州紐波特紐斯的總部公司收到了格蘭特(s)從美國能源部SBIR / STTR計劃。抽象(s)為這些格蘭特獎(s)也提供了因為他們提供洞察AMAC國際Inc .)業務和領域的專業知識。這個項目將使用創新的基於掃描係統檢查Nb表以快速和高度敏感的方式來檢測微粒子和允許的最高加速字段。這將有助於大大減少DOE多百萬美元的成本項目和許多其他應用程序可以用於高靈敏度檢查金屬行業。這種創新的基於掃描係統旨在檢測缺陷和夾雜物在鉭铌表用於製造accelarators蛀牙。第一次可以檢查Nb = iobium表快速和高度敏感的方式,允許的最高質量領域加速腔用於加速器。這將有助於大大減少多百萬美元的成本項目,可用於許多行業的其他應用程序,需要高度敏感的非破壞性檢驗的金屬。創新雙層窗射頻輸入功率耦合器ILC項目,發展技術創新機械的製造成本獲得簡化技術開發的項目,簡化和收獲的可靠性和係統可以應用到許多加速器項目。這裏開發的製造技術也可以廣泛應用於射頻功率、交流和射頻產品行業創新同步加速器輻射可調super-bending磁鐵將成為一個重要和主要組成部分未來的高性能電子離子對撞機核物理。這裏開發的概念和製造技術也可以用於加速器高能物理、同步光源和行業應用程序和其他磁性設備。




