2023年5月24日新斯科舍省哈利法克斯——健康創新中心名叫阿曼達Caissie博士(見圖)作為一個創新者的住所。Caissie博士是全球領先的數字腫瘤學。通過她的角色在新斯科舍衛生作為一個創新者在住宅和醫學癌症治療項目主任腫瘤轉化項目(OTP),她的目標是使數字醫療解決方案的臨床和研究重點,推進整個連續的癌症治療的研究和創新。“我們需要領導者有很大的專業知識但是也願意將通過改善病人護理和醫療係統的經驗,”Gail Tomblin墨菲博士說,副總統的研究、創新和發現和首席護士主管新斯科舍省的健康。”博士。Caissie做一個出色的工作在她的職業生涯中,是國際公認的在她的領域的專業知識,也推動合作機會來改善病人的經驗。”“我的目標是改善病人的經驗,參與和結果新星Scotians受到癌症的影響,“Caissie博士說。”這個角色將我提供機會利用我的學術專長在支持和擴大我們的合作研究團隊旨在改變癌症治療通過使用創新的數字醫療解決方案。”Caissie博士有一個深刻的對工作的熱情與患者,專家和合作夥伴。一個關鍵挑戰作為創新者在住宅項目的一部分是建立一個社區的實踐,研究人員,創新者和前線醫療專家開發的關鍵意識病人的需求。“在我們的OTP下工作的第一階段,我震驚了多學科的學術專長和興趣的同事我已經一起工作了這麼長時間在新斯科舍的癌症治療程序(CCP),“Caissie博士說。“我預見無限回報如果我們能夠使這些個人和團隊協作框架下與一個統一的策略和相應的支持才能成功。”Caissie博士作為一個經驗豐富的創新者和領導者,是各種利益相關者之間的聯絡中共內部和外部。 She leads the discovery and implementation of new technologies, services and solutions from local, national and international markets. She brings clinical insights, process recommendations and policy change proposals with an unwavering commitment to making projects better. “Through the OTP, a unique collaboration between Nova Scotia Health, government and industry partner Varian, I have seen a level of action and commitment to healthcare transformation that I could not have previously imagined,” says Dr. Caissie. Dr. Caissie has worked tirelessly to improve access to healthcare so that cancer patients and their families have a better experience. She has been an essential member of our efforts to build a better and equitable healthcare system. “I am honoured. Within Nova Scotia Health, I have felt a level of support and optimism that feels somewhat surreal given the context of our healthcare system today. I have had a longstanding vision of health equity and access for the patients of our province, enabled by data standards and electronic infrastructure.” Dr. Amanda Caissie joins Dr. Karen Cross and Dr. Michael Dunbar, who were named Innovators in Residence in 2022. Innovators in Residence provide innovation thought leadership with clinical teams, administration and executive leadership and champion clinical implementations of new technologies, services and solutions within the health system, adding their expertise and insight and making recommendations. They represent Nova Scotia Health at events nationally and globally to help develop new business and funding opportunities and lend their knowledge and expertise to identify commercialization opportunities, stemming from ongoing research and evaluation of innovation initiatives.