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總部位於倫敦的Octopus Energy Generation已向位於曼徹斯特的電動汽車充電網絡Be.EV投資1.27億歐元。矽膠運河


2022年11月1日——廣告——總部位於倫敦的可再生能源投資者章魚能源公司已經從其天空基金(ORI SCSp)中為Be指定了超過1.1億英鎊(約1.27億歐元)。EV,一個位於曼徹斯特的公共電動汽車充電網絡。-廣告-是。到2024年,EV公司將利用這些資金在英格蘭及其他地區大規模安裝1000個新的充電站。因此,此舉將增加電動汽車公司的充電點覆蓋率超過600%。如何提高您的開源安全?遵循這三個步驟,就可以獲得強大的安全實踐。遵循這三個步驟,就可以走上強大的安全實踐之路。該公告發布的幾個月前,一個名為章魚能源發展夥伴關係(OEDP)的2.2億歐元新可再生基金啟動。章魚能源公司已經為所有的澳大利亞人提供100%的綠色電力。電動汽車充電器。這筆交易標誌著八達通能源集團在電動汽車領域的下一步發展。在“電動宇宙”項目中,電動汽車司機可以獲得一張卡和一個應用程序,使用全球一係列品牌的31萬多個公共充電站。 As part of this agreement, Be.EV will join the electric universe along with 460+ other charging networks on the platform. In addition, public EV charge points are currently unevenly distributed in the UK, skewed towards London. The company, which already operates Greater Manchester’s public EV charging network, aims to address this imbalance by using Octopus support. Be.EV says this latest deal will support 456,000 EVs on UK roads today. Be.EV says it builds focused, community-based charging networks where they are needed most to ensure more equitable access to public chargers and instill confidence in going electric. Octopus Energy: What you need to know Octopus Energy Group (OEG) was launched in 2016 by co-founders Greg Jackson, James Edison and Stuart Jackson. The company claims to use the latest technology to enable the delivery of green energy and transform customer experiences. It is part of the Octopus Group, a certified BCorp. The company’s domestic energy arm offers affordable and green energy to its customers through Octopus Energy, M&S Energy, Affect Energy, Ebico, London Power, and Co-op Energy. “Our first foray into EV charging infrastructure is an important milestone,” says Matt Seichel, co-head of Octopus Energy Generation’s fund management team. We are accelerating the green energy transition, with more deals coming to turbocharge it. As a nation, we need to rapidly create more EV charge points to cater to the growing number of drivers going electric. Easy and proper access to chargers will eliminate petrol consuming cars forever will help to do so. Be.EV: What you need to know To make Be.EV charging simple, reliable and simple, Greater Manchester has an EV charging network. The company also plans to develop an ‘on the go’ Green Oasis Hub and Destination Charging that will bring real benefits to all in the region. Asif Ghafoor, CEO and co-founder of Be.EV, says, “Everyone, not just the wealthy, should be able to switch to electric cars, but currently, people who live outside London or in less affluent areas, They’re deprived of public EV charging. For example, you can’t charge at home if you live in a flat or terrace. This investment addresses that imbalance and helps kickstart a national infrastructure effort. Helps, which for once doesn’t start in London.” He continued, “Support from Octopus is transformative for us. We have sites that are lined up, and running that will create dense clusters of chargers that will give people the confidence to have power out. We can also build such infrastructure. Reinventing charging locations as green neighborhood hubs, and developing iconic designs Addressing other parts of the country can adopt this unique approach. Cyber Security Scaleup How Integrity Conquered the World? Watch our interview with Paul Downs, Head of Sales at Integrity. Watch our interview with Paul Downs, Head of Sales at Integrity. show less



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