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一個村莊咖啡伴侶BKON發射冷啤酒罐頭MOORESTOWN 0股,新澤西州——BKON、領先的飲料技術創新者和雨的發明者(反向注入大氣)釀造過程,今天宣布與專業咖啡烘焙商一個村子咖啡合作推出該公司的第一道冷啤酒罐頭產品。與BKON合作,一個村莊咖啡將很快交付6-packs 12盎司罐選擇Wegmans商店在費城,新澤西和馬裏蘭市場。單罐可以在幾個地區獨立的市場和零售商。這兩個產品也將用於在一個村子咖啡Souderton roastery,賓夕法尼亞州。根據一個村子咖啡總統安德裏亞·哈克曼BKON下雨技術是單槍匹馬地幫助他們開發新的,持久包裝冷啤酒滿足日益增長的需求,消費者和零售商。“我們的客戶開始要求冷釀造大約一年前,”哈克曼說。“但是,我們不相信推出一個產品,現有釀造方法導致的口味,是短暫的和平坦。“發展與BKON配方之後,一個村莊咖啡的微積分了。“一旦我們測試了雨醞釀過程中,我們立即意識到這是我們的解決方案,”哈克曼說。“他們能夠執行我們的視野良好的風味和保質期,我們不能獨自完成。 Now, we can focus on what we do best – roasting – while BKON handles the grinding and brewing.” One Village Coffee is now delivering canned cold brew coffee to their retail partners with greater speed and volume, backed by the assurance that consumers can finally experience a fresh taste months after production. According to BKON, this growth and product expansion is precisely what RAIN was intended to offer beverage producers. “RAIN is helping beverage makers enter new markets, grow their businesses, and redefine what high-quality really means,” said Dean Vastardis, co-founder at BKON. “One Village Coffee has been an excellent partner, and we’re excited for retailers and consumers to have access to cafe-quality cold brew any time and in larger quantities.” One Village Coffee has always done things a little differently, such as their partnership with Shared-X. The coffee used to create the cold brew is from Finca Matapalo, an Impact Farming coffee produced by Shared-X. Impact Farming empowers farmers to take pride in who they are and what they do by creating a value chain of transparency, access to markets, deep care for people and the environment, and dedication to innovation. “Our goal is to sell as much coffee as possible from Finca Matapalo, and this new BKON-brewed product line enables us to do that,” Hackman said. While other cold brew methods rely on suspending coffee particles in water, BKON’s RAIN technology uses a much more advanced process to extract every succulent note from any ingredient a beverage producer wants to extract into liquid. First, a vacuum removes the gases from the ingredient’s structure. Water is then infused into the empty spaces, where it absorbs the flavors and aromas contained in the ingredients. By controlling the strength, duration and frequency of vacuum cycles, RAIN extracts far more flavor than traditional brewing methods. “BKON has been an amazing team to work with – the value they deliver through their technology and beverage crafting experience has helped us determine the best path forward,” Hackman concluded. “Having a responsive, knowledgeable partner makes all the difference when launching a new product.” For more information on BKON, visit bkonbrew.com. About BKON BKON is dedicated to enabling beverage brands with technology platforms and know-how, to produce precise and scalable natural beverage outcomes of the highest quality. We are relentlessly focused on innovating systems for the world of craft refreshment with our RAIN (Reverse Atmospheric Infusion) technology. RAIN beverage outcomes create new rules for flavor enhancement, product stability, and production efficiencies. RAIN-powered platforms include the award winning BKON Craft Brewer and the industrial-scale STORM, both of which innovate how brands craft the purest beverages from the Earth’s most natural ingredients. For more information visit bkonbrew.com. Stay connected on Instagram @bkonbrew. Latest News