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Ost Medical

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Liberating Technologies, Inc. (LTI) is a supplier of upper-limb prosthetic devices for adults and children. The company designs and manufactures prosthetic devices such…

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m2m Imaging

Corp.m2m Imaging, with offices in USA and Australia produce's high-definition imaging and work flow solutions for life science applications in the MRI, PET, CT and SPECT analytical, preclinical and clinical research environments. m2m's MRI coil and accessory portfolio consists of products that have provided solutions to enable otherwise unobtainable results for research applications all over the world.

Oliver Products Company

Oliver Products Company aims to provide medical packaging solutions for Class II and III medical device OEM's, meal packaging products for foodservice markets and niche food processing equipment with aftermarket support services. Oliver Products is the parent company of Oliver-Tolas Healthcare Packaging and Oliver Packaging and Equipment. Oliver-Tolas Healthcare Packaging is a supplier of sterile grade die cut lid, rollstock and pouch products for medical and pharmaceutical applications. Oliver Packaging and Equipment is a supplier of food packaging systems and bakery equipment. The company offers heat seal equipment, trays, and film lidding to agencies providing home delivered meals through Meals on Wheels programs in the US and Canada. Packaging systems are also found in school food service departments across the US. Oliver's bakery equipment division manufactures bread slicers and dough make up equipment for supermarkets, retail bakeries and bakery cafes. In June 2007, Oliver Products Company was acquired by Mason Wells. Mason Wells exited its investment in Oliver Products in April 2012, and sold the company to Berwind Group. The valuation of Oliver Products Company was undisclosed. Other terms of the deal were not released.

Millstone Medical Outsourcing

Millstone Medical manufactures medical devices and equipments worldwide. It is a provider of post-manufacturing services and offers quality critical inspection, sterile and non-sterile packaging, loaner kit processing, and finished goods distribution. The company was founded in 2000 and is based in Fall River, Massachusetts.


C2C is a medical device company developing a portfolio of medical devices.

BioMimetic Systems

仿生係統(BMS)發展biologically inspired technologies for advanced sensors and medical devices. BMS has its roots in the Boston University Hearing Research Center and VLSI laboratories with more than 30 years of experience researching the physiology and biophysics of hearing as well as specialized custom electronics. The focus of BMS is the application of biologically inspired algorithms to technically challenging problems that traditional approaches have failed to address. Applications include sensor design for high noise environments as well as medical devices for the hearing impaired.

Biophan Technologies

Biophan is dedicated to providing technologies that offer innovative andcompetitive advantages to the medical device industry. The Company ishelping to commercialize the Myotech Circulatory Support System, which has potential to improve the treatment of acute heart failure.Biophan Technologies, Inc. holds a 68% interest in Myotech. Biophan istraded on the OTC market under the symbol BIPH, and is also listed on theFrankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol BTN.

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