06/13/2023 | 10:05am美國信息:*必填字段應用程序桑坦德銀行X全球挑戰的最後期限是9月28日。馬德裏,2023年6月13日——新聞稿桑坦德銀行和Oxentia基金會推出全球挑戰桑坦德銀行X | Cyberprotect未來¸初創企業和擴大全球挑戰來自11個國家(阿根廷、巴西、智利、德國、墨西哥、波蘭、葡萄牙、西班牙、英國、美國和烏拉圭),提供創新的解決方案,網絡安全所麵臨的挑戰,我們作為一個社會。申請截止日期是9月28日,六個獲獎項目將得到120000歐元的獎金:30000歐元三大企業(10000歐元)和三大擴大90000歐元(30000歐元)。贏家也將得到桑坦德銀行X 100,全球創業社區,頂部桑坦德銀行X項目與資源,他們需要成長。此外,他們還將有機會展示他們的項目Forgepoint資本和桑坦德銀行的網絡安全和Fintech站團隊,爭取機會運行試點測試。全球主管迭戈Calascibetta創業和Fintech站在桑坦德大學,表示,“網絡安全,我們麵臨的挑戰,社會更是成倍地增長。因此,優秀的人才提供他們所有的想法提供更好的在線保護社會作為一個整體。這個倡議從桑坦德銀行X,我們希望通過提供工具來幫助解決這些挑戰,資源和可見這些想法茁壯成長”的平台。榛子Diez Castano,全球首席信息安全官(CISO)桑坦德銀行解釋說,“目標不僅僅是識別這些初創企業,但也支持他們在這個旅程,並幫助他們實現他們的預期效果。這些公司通常需要更靈活的方法來實現技術和可能更願意嚐試創新的想法,可以幫助創建一個更安全的生態係統”。 Steve Cleverley, CEO of Oxentia Foundation, "at Oxentia, helping entrepreneurs address global challenges, provide innovative solutions, and promote adoption of new and disruptive technologies is at the heart of our work. In the midst of a significant leap forward in our technological capabilities, keeping the digital world safe, reliable, and resilient has never been more important. The Oxentia Foundation is therefore delighted to be working in partnership with Santander X to launch a new global challenge | Cyberprotect the Future. We are looking forward to hearing from entrepreneurs across the Santander footprint with the very best cutting-edge technology and transformational solutions and wish all applicants the very best of luck. Corporate Communications 28660 Boadilla del Monte (Madrid). Tel. +34 91 2895211 comunicacion@gruposantander.com www.santander.com - Twitter: @bancosantander Banco Santander undertakes a number of initiatives to help people to enhance their career prospects. Through Santander X, it offers specialised training to business start-ups and connects them with the resources that they need to grow, thrive and implement solutions to tackle the major challenges faced by all of us as a society. Banco Santander and its support for education, employability, and entrepreneurship Banco Santander is firmly committed to progress and inclusive sustainable growth. It boasts a long-standing and groundbreaking 26-year commitment to education, employability, and entrepreneurship, which sets it apart from the world's other financial institutions. The bank has allocated over 2.2 billion euros and has supported more than one million students, professionals and entrepreneurial projects through agreements with more than 1,300 universities (www.santander.com/universities) . The Oxentia Foundation and its commitment to innovation and global entrepreneurship Oxentia Foundation was created to support Oxentia's goal of tackling global inequalities through innovation and entrepreneurial activities. Oxentia has organised international entrepreneurial innovation competitions and awards, and has also provided advice to entrepreneurs in order help bring science and technology projects which contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, to market. Oxentia grew out of Oxford University's technology transfer company, Oxford University Innovation, and aims to provide specialised innovation management services to public and private sector customers throughout the world. Its approach is based on the company's solid legacy, built on over 30 years of experience supporting academic innovation and entrepreneurial spirit in more than 70 countries. Corporate Communications
SETsquared ICURe項目是SETsquared之間的協作,NorthbyNorthwest夥伴關係,中部地區合作,英國,英國研究與創新,創新業務和部門、能源和工業戰略和設計思想和創新的大學,進入市場,將產生最大的影響。ICURe計劃提供大學研究團隊commercially-promising想法35 k英鎊“走出實驗室”在市場上和驗證他們的想法。它支持職業生涯早期研究人員進行三個月的全職,激烈的市場評估和有意義的談話至少100潛在客戶,監管機構、供應商、合作夥伴和競爭對手來驗證他們的研究的商業潛力。
IP Osgoode是一個獨立和權威聲音探索法律治理問題在知識產權和技術的十字路口。在全球化的背景下,法律多元景觀,IP Osgoode培養跨學科,compraative,和跨國研究、協作、政策和實踐。這個項目的研究人員從學院和合作者,政府,商業,和其他網絡積極參與跨國辯論。