)3月7日正式破土動工儀式PAJUNK®GmbH Medizintechnologie慶祝開始建造新的D20開頭DANUVIA工業園區管理和物流中心。附近的新建築正在建設的現有建築D10 Geisingen。投資約為1300萬歐元,Pajunk不僅創造了新的空間來擴大產能,也為該地區創造了60 - 70新的就業機會在短期內。新創建的空間也將緩解過度擁擠Karl-Hall街網站。在未來,所有原材料和物資的存儲以及一些行政部門將搬遷到DANUVIA工業園區;這將為城鎮中心的網站提供新的發展機遇和空間,急需擴大生產,工藝設計和質量管理。新D20開頭構建複雜將包括物流麵積約。2300平方米,以及一個自動化的一小部分倉庫和手動托盤倉庫總規模2750平方米。兩層樓的行政大樓與廣泛的玻璃和一個950平方米的室內中庭設計。“為了估計新建築的尺寸,我們看曆史產量增加,發現他們已經在過去的7年中翻了一番。 This allowed us to make a projection for the next 20-30 years and determine the amount of space needed. In addition to the storage spaces, there should be office spaces, meeting rooms and break rooms,“ stated Damir Kosanovic, plant manager of the existing logistics center D10. The construction project is being implemented in cooperation with Freyler Industriebau Bodensee. In addition to the architectural design with the integration of intralogistics, they are responsible for the construction planning as well as the ready-to-operate implementation and coordination of predominantly regional construction partners. The basis for the design was Pajunk's logistics concept, and according to Daniel Grünvogel, business unit manager at Freyler Industriebau Bodensee, „The result of many intensive, constructive, and goal-oriented exchanges in planning will be a modern logistics property that precisely reflects individual requirements in terms of construction." A special foundation is already being laid, which involves extensive earthmoving of around 8,000 m3. In addition tot he logistics concept, the high-quality design of the building will meet Pajunk's exacting aesthetic requirements. Furthermore the building is also being constructed in a particularly sustainable manner in accordance with the KfW 55 energy standard. The PV system in particular stands out with a total area of 2,734 m², which is expected to generate 560 kWp. Excitingly, this means that the energy requirements of the D20 can be largely self-generated. About Freyler Industriebau: According to the motto "People build for people", Freyler Industriebau plans and realizes individual commercial and industrial buildings for medium-sized businesses. These include manufacturing, logistics, office and social properties, as well as kindergartens, educational, accommodation and medical facilities. In close cooperation with the clients, Freyler develops customized concepts and implements them ready for occupancy. Freyler Industriebau is part of the Freyler group of companies. The headquarters and production site of the company, which was founded in 1968, is in Kenzingen/Baden. In addition, there are nine branches in Germany and a subsidiary in Switzerland. Pressemitteilung teilen: PAJUNK® GmbH Medizintechnologie expands its capacities - Start of construction of the new administration and logistics center: D20 Eine Pressemitteilung von PAJUNK® GmbH Medizintechnologie Veröffentlicht am 08.03.2022
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