goodwordnews 9秒前0即使他打包,魁北克雷米Belanger從博波爾很難相信他會在不到一個星期住在紐約。“這是有趣的。我幾乎不敢說,但這將是我第一次在紐約,”他說。“我去音樂讓我感興趣的地方。“Belanger德博波爾,自稱是一位自由即興大提琴家,被選中的5個月的實習委員會des arts et des《魁北克在SoHo。程序是開放的藝術家從所有學科,從視覺藝術、音樂和文學,但隻有那些有超過10年的經驗可以應用。“我以前從未應用,但是去年我想,‘這是一個對自己承諾:我申請首次在紐約的工作室,我將申請未來10年如果我有,但我最終會,”他說。“我是第一次嚐試。“廣告下的故事繼續格蘭特為一個選中的藝術家提供了一個有家具的公寓在紐約市,目標是完全沉浸在城市的藝術。它始於1981年,許多當地藝術家參加了實習。 ” It is an honor. I was selected on the basis of my work, by my peers, by the CALQ,” said Bélanger de Beauport. “But it’s also great to go to New York and have an apartment all to myself and think about my art, but in a new place, in a new way.” The CALQ estimates that it receives between 30 and 40 requests per studio per year and only two artists are selected, each obtaining a stay of half a year. It’s quite a turnaround since not so long ago, Bélanger de Beauport was forced to put his musical career on hold. He was one of seven people stabbed in a random sword attack in the historic borough of Quebec on Halloween night 2020. Two people died from their injuries. “I love that when we talk about my music now, the focus is really on the music and not the (attack),” he said. “But of course that’s part of me, and that’s part of my experience, and a lot of people probably know me just because of that.” 2:11 He underwent almost two years of intensive physical and occupational therapy after the attack. trendy now
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