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Magneceutical Health

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See howMagneceutical Healthcompares to similar products.Magneceutical Health's top competitors includeCardiovascular Systems,HistoSonics, andAirsonett.

Cardiovascular Systems (NASDAQ: CSII) develops and commercializes interventional treatment systems for vascular disease. The company's products include peripheral orbit…

Magneceutical Health vs. Cardiovascular Systems

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Cardiogenesis is a medical device company committed to innovating tools for the treatment of cardiovascular disease. The company, located in Orange County, California, is a provider in laser revascularization and angiogenic therapies for the treatment of severe angina.


Cardiola have designed a patented device, the m.pulse device designed to treat chronic heart failure (CHF), non-surgically, in a patient's home.

Paragon Intellectual Properties

Nexeon MedSystems is committed to improving lives through the development of therapies for people with cardiovascular disease. With proven medical device research and development talent, a strong intellectual property portfolio and the leadership of a veteran interventional cardiologist, Nexeon has created an pipeline of products for unmet clinical needs.

Leptos BioMedical

Leptos Biomedical is developing an impressive new electrical stimulation device treating obesity.

Biomedical Implant Technology Logo
Biomedical Implant Technology

生物醫學植入技術旨在提供削弱al implant training programs and a patented, one-piece, one-stage implant system.

Sonivate Medical

Sonivate Medical develops and manufactures technologies to reduce healthcare cost and expand access to diagnostic imaging. The SonicEye is a fingertip-mounted ultrasound probe that enables imaging while leaving both hands free to do work with simultaneous tactile feedback.

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