計劃Pierval桑特(歐律阿勒)首次使結束在加拿大投資計劃將Pierval健康管理公司歐律阿勒的一個主要非上市房地產汽車致力於醫療房地產的Primovie Primonial雷姆,其他重量級部門。超過30億歐元的資本投資於許多歐洲地理區域(法國、英國、愛爾蘭、荷蘭、德國、意大利、西班牙、葡萄牙),計劃將Pierval桑特剛剛宣布首次收購在加拿大!如果投資額相比,適度的大小車輛為2000萬歐元,符號是強大的。事實上,很少有市場計劃將歐洲之外的冒險。醫學Excelsoins集團的居住在加拿大蒙特利爾附近的第一次手術,計劃將Pierval桑特已經將目光投向“Les Ecluses-Saint-Lambert”住宅屬於Excelsoins組。本地公司25年租賃簽署這個公認的運營商:房租的付款將在歐元。Excelsoins集團成立了基督教g . Archambault仍然管理它。今天,它被認為是一個參考的護理質量和對老年人的支持。它的主題是“地方居民的中心決策更好地支持他們在這個階段生活”。“萊斯Ecluses-Saint-Lambert”住宅發展租賃麵積6080 m²,以2000萬歐元收購行為。 It is located in the heart of a residential area in the municipality of Saint-Lambert, south of Greater Montreal. This establishment offers 205 care units for people with Alzheimer’s, cognitive diseases or loss of autonomy, supervised on a daily basis by qualified and attentive staff. Christian G. Archambault – President of Excelsoins – welcomes this operation signed with Euryale: “ Partnership is the word that defines our relationship with Euryale . We sold them the premises and signed a firm 25-year lease to continue our business and develop it. . Our job is to offer a continuum of care to people with loss of autonomy, to give them the best care, to accompany them in this last stage of their life with the greatest respect for them. Our greatest success: that they feel at home! “. This new geographic diversification reflects Euryale’s capacity for innovation “The opening in Canada, for us, is a very strong signal since it shows SCPI Pierval Santé’s faculty and capacity for innovation, which has always determined its mode of operation . Faculty of innovation in two areas. Both the sectoral side, so there are different sub-sectors in health as you know, and the opening to a new geographical area. And Canada, finally, with the assets that we have acquired, brings together and brings together these two criteria which we believe are essential for the development of the SCPI Pierval Santé”, sums up Thierry Scheur, Chief Operating Officer at Euryale Services. “So already, intervening in Canada is not a coincidence. We have been looking at this geographical area for a long time, studying it, exploring it. And today, it illustrates the depth of the market that is absolutely necessary to be able to invest the fundraising. In the end, the big difficulty of an SCPI, and this is even more true when you collect a lot, is to be able to invest the collection while precisely respecting commitments, specifications. We need sufficient market depth to be able to invest this fairly voluminous collection, and therefore today open up in Canada it’s looking for new possibilities, looking for a potential that is extremely strong . Canada presents an aging/economic sustainability couple that is today one of the most attractive in the world. It allows us to see the future with serenity”, adds Jean-Jacques Olivié, president of Euryale. While suggesting that other operations could follow this first investment across the Atlantic. Investing in Pierval Santé Find this article on